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更新时间:2022-01-07浏览:评论: 条


(考试时间:80分钟 试卷满分:100分)

卷I (选择题,共60分)


I. 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


1. —It takes me half ____ hour to play ____ volleyball every day.

—Me too.

A. a; a B. an; a C. the; the D. an; /


2. They like to go skating _______ a cold winter afternoon.

A. on B. in C. at D. for


3. — Have we got any ________ for Spring Festival?

— Yes. We have got some milk. And we want to get some juice too.

A. fruit B. drinks C. vegetables D. meat


4. Amy thinks moon cakes are too sweet. She _____ eats them.

A. often B. always C. usually D. seldom


5. —What is Nancy doing now?

—She, with her parents, ______ some shopping.

A. do B. does C. is doing D. are doing


6. I have a lot of homework to do today, ______ I cannot go swimming with you.

A. because B. so C. then D. but


7. I want to go shopping _____ some new clothes for my cousin.

A. get B. getting C. to get D. to getting


8. Can you help me ______ my pet dog at the weekend?

A. look up B. look at C. look after D. look for

9. —_______?

—Yes, I do.

A. Do you like salad B. Do it like this

C. Are you like salad D. Does he like it


10. —This term, I plan to be the top student in our school.


A. Never mind B. Congratulations

C. Of course D. Good luck to your plan


II. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)


In China, there’re many 11 kinds of food. Some of them are very 12 . The real Chinese food is dumplings(饺子). Now let’s talk about them.

Everyone in China likes dumplings very much, and there’re many kinds of dumplings. Some have meat and vegetables in them, 13 have sugar, eggs and so on. Many 14 like dumplings very much.

Usually people 15 dumplings at home. If you have no time to make them, you can 16 them from the market. Then you can take them home and eat them with vinegar(醋).

The Spring Festival is very important in China. When it 17 , we make dumplings. Usually we put a coin(硬币) in a dumpling. If one eats the dumplings 18 the coin in it, he will be 19 in the new year.

Do you like dumplings? 20 to China, we’ll invite you to eat the real Chinese food — dumplings.


III. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,30分)




An elephant wants to have some friends. He sees a monkey in a tree. "Can you be my friend?" asks the elephant.

"You are too big. You can’t swing (摇荡) in the tree like me."

Then the elephant meets a rabbit. "Please be my friend," he says.

"How can I? Sorry, sir. You are strong."

The elephant is very disappointed. Then he goes home.

The next day, he sees all the animals running. He doesn’t know why. The monkey says a tiger is near here. He will come to eat the animals.

The elephant goes to the tiger. "Please, Mr. tiger. Don’t eat the animals."

"Go away!" says the tiger.

The elephant is not happy and kicks (踢) the tiger. Then the tiger goes away. At last, all the animals want the elephant to be their friend.

21. The monkey thinks the elephant can’t ___ in the tree like him.

A. sleep B. swing C. swim D. jump


22. Why don’t the monkey and the rabbit want the elephant to be their friend?

A. Because the elephant is big and strong.

B. Because they are strong and big.

C. Because the elephant is scared of them.

D. Because they are scared of the elephant.


23. The underlined word "disappointed" in the passage (文章) means ______.

A. 高兴的 B. 礼貌的 C. 粗鲁的 D. 失望的


24. How many kinds of animals are there in the passage?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.


25. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The elephant has many friends at last.

B. The rabbit wants to be the tiger’s friend.

C. The monkey will come to eat the animals.

D. The tiger kicks the elephant and goes away.




Lunch Hours

Mon.—Fri. 11:00 a.m. —2:30 p.m.

Sat.&Sun. 11:30 a.m.— 3:00 p.m.

Dinner Hours

Sun.—Thurs. 5:30 p.m.— 9:30 p.m.

Fri.& Sat. 5:00 p.m.—10:00 p.m.

http:// www. Beef-one. com. WeChat No. : beef-one

Addition location(分店)

Address(地址):68. Tianning Road. 223-8888

Address: 88 Songcheng Road. 282-8899

26. Beef One is the name of a ______.

A. bookstore B. restaurant (饭店)

C. middle school D. park

27. Beef One is in ______.

A. Shenzhen B. Guangzhou

C. Zhongshan D. Zhaoqing

28. We can go to Beef One for lunch at ______.

A. 10: 30 a. m. on Monday

B. 3: 00 p.m. on Friday

C. 11: 00 a. m. on Saturday

D. 1: 30 p.m. on Sunday


29. Lucy lives in Songcheng Road, and she wants to go to Beef One. She can call ______.

A. 223—8888 B. 283—3388

C. 222—8899 D. 282—8899

30. We CAN’T get the information(信息) about Beef One ______.

A. on telephone B. on WeChat

C. on TV D. on Internet



The English love sports. One of the popular games in England is cricket(板球). But cricket doesn’t change(改变) much these years. For some parts of England, the eight months of the football season is more important than the four months of the cricket season.

Most middle schools have sports fields(场地) and boys usually play rugby(橄榄球) or football in winter and cricket in summer. While school girls play tennis or baseball in summer and basketball or hockey(曲棍球) in winter, boys seldom play basketball. The more popular grown-up(成人的) games are golf and tennis. A lot of people play them.

The British also like watching horse racing, but few show interest in bike racing. Britain is the home of many modern(现代的) popular sports.

31. In England, there are ______ months in the cricket season.

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 8

32. Middle school boys often play rugby or football in ______.

A. spring B. winter C. summer D. fall

33. In England, __________ are popular grown-up games.

A. football and basketball

B. tennis and football

C. golf and tennis

D. tennis and soccer


34. From the passage, we can learn that many modern popular sports are from ______.

A. America B. Britain C. Japan D. China


35. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. For most British people, the cricket season is more important than the football season.

B. Cricket changed a lot during the last ten years.

C. Middle school girls seldom play basketball.

D. The British prefer horse racing to bike racing.


卷II (非选择题,共40分)

IV. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)


Today is November 28th. It’s my sister Gina’s eighth birthday. In the morning, my parents take us to Zig Zag’s Store. There my mother buys a red sweater for Gina. And we go to Xinhua Book Store. There I buy some CDs for Gina. My father also buys a book for Gina, and its name is Harry Potter. It’s Gina’s favorite book. In the afternoon, my parents have a birthday party for Gina at home. Gina’s friends, Bill, Jim and Cindy come to the party. Bill brings a new pencil to Gina. Jim gives Gina a soccer ball because she likes playing soccer. Cindy gives Gina an English-Chinese dictionary. Gina is very happy. Oh, I’m Gina’s brother. My name is Robert.


36. There are seven people in Gina’s family. ( )

37. My mother gives Gina a .

38. How old is Gina?


39. Who is Robert?


40. ____________________________________

V. 词语运用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


Kang kang 41 his friends all like animals. On Sunday, they often go to the 42 . Kangkang likes monkeys very much. He thinks they are so 43 . Michael likes pandas because they are cute. The color of panda is black and 44 .

Jane’s favorite 45 is elephant. Elephants are kind and they have long 46 . What about Maria? She 47 tigers. They are very strong. There is a tiger show in the zoo 48 10 am in the morning. So they often have a 49 time there. When they go home, they say 50 to their animal friends.


VI. 基础写作(包括A、B两部分,A部分5分,B部分15分,共计20分)

A) 连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)


51. like, we, very, bananas, much


52. you, to, do, how, go, school


53. friend, a, does, have, your, baseball?


54. can, you, for, the, dictionary, ask, him


55. I, because, like, boring, do, geography, not, it, is


B) 书面表达(计15分)












