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Unit 1 核心词句专练



1. E                 me. Is this your seat(座位)?

2. There are t                 hours in a day.

3. Tony and I are in Class Two, G                 One.

4. I like apples, pears and o                 very much.

5. That is my s                . I study(学习) in it.

6. --- Thank you for your help, Lily.

--- You are w                .

7. Hi, Cindy. Nice to m                 you.

8. Her mother is a t                 she teaches in a school.

9. Washington D.C. is the capital of A                .

10. These are some photos of Lucy's f                . This is her mother.

11. Sit down,                 (请).

12. My brother lives in Tokyo in                 (日本).

13. --- What's your phone                 (号码)?

--- 3389-9307.

14. There are some                 (苹果) in the box.

15. Thanks for                 (帮助) me.

16. --- Is this your                 (铅笔)?--- Yes, it is.

17. Write a report about the                 (学生们的) holidays.

18. Jane and Jim are my good                 (朋友). They are from the UK.

19. There is a                 (地图) of China on the wall.

20. --- How many crayons are there in your pencil box?

---                 (八支).

21. May I borrow your marker,                 (请)?

22. Mount Fuji is one of the most famous mountains in         (日本).

23. The little children learned five                 (数字) last week.

24. There is an                 (苹果) on the desk.

25. Can you                 (帮助) me?

26. W                 to Qingdao. Let me take you around(带你参观) the city.

27. Let's m                 at the school gate at 8:00 A.M.

28. Selina is our new t                 this term(学期). She teaches us English.

29. She's from New York, a famous city of A                .

30. Hello, I'm Bob. My f                 name is White.





_____ Li Fang; What’s _____ name?


My ______ _______ is David.


______ name ______ Tony.

4. 她也来自北京。

She_______ _______ Beijing, ______.


Tony ______ Betty _______ _______ ______.

6. 这个用英语怎么说?

______ this ______ English?



1. too, Nice, to, you, meet,


2. number, phone, what, your, is


3. me, help, let, you


4. its, is, Pot, name


5. color, is, what, pen, your


6. how, do, spell, you, it




1. I’m twelve years old. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ are you?

2. Are they Chinese books? (肯定回答)

_______, _______ _______.

3. Where is she from? (同义句)

Where ______ she ______ _______ ?

4. My phone number is 805-4239.(对划线部分提问)

_______ ______ your phone number ?

5. It’s an eraser. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ this?

6. My name is Kate.(对划线部分提问)

________ is_______ name?

7. I’m Jenny. (改为同义句)

_______ ______ is Jenny.

8. James is fine.(对划线部分提问)

_______ ______ James ?

9. Daming’s sister is in Class One. (改为否定句)

Daming’s sister ______ ______ in Class One.

10. -Are you Xiao Lin? (做否定回答)

-______, _______ _______.





1. Excuse  2. twelve  3. Grade  4. oranges  5. school

6. welcome  7. meet  8. teacher  9. America  10. family

11. please  12. Japan  13. number  14. apples  15. helping

16. pencil 17. students'  18. friends  19. map  20. Eight

21. please  22. Japan  23. numbers  24. apple  25. help

26. Welcome  27. meet  28. teacher  29. America  30. family



1. I’m, your 

2 . English, name 

3. His, is  

4. is, from, too 

5. and, are, our, friends    

6. What’s, in


1. Nice to meet you too.       

2. What’s your phone number?

3. Let me help you. 

4. Its name is Pot.   

5. What color is your pen? 

6. How do you spell it?


1. How, old   

2. Yes, they are    

3. does, come, from   

4. What, is    

5. What is

6. What, your     

7. My, name       

8. How, is     

9. is, not   

10. No, I’m, not




Unit 2 核心词句专练


1.                 (猜) games are popular with students in English classes.

2. Danny has three                 (头发).

3. Yellow is my f                (特别喜爱的) color.

4. In Britain, people not only use                 (刀子) to cut things, but also use them to have meals.

5. What                 (颜色) is the dog?

6. —Whose dress is this?—It’s ____ (I).

7. This bike isn’t Mary’s. ____ (she) is over there (在那边).

8. Are those ____ (you) apples?

9. These are our oranges. Those are ____ (their).

10. Mr. Gao is ____ (he) teacher.

11. The police ______ (be) looking for the lost child.

12. This is Li Ming. He ____(have) big hands.

13. I have two big ____(foot).

14. —Does she ____(have)a small mouth?—Yes, she does.

15. Look! Her ____ (eye)are big.

16. —Yao Ming is tall and strong.—Yes. He is c____.

17. The apple is g____. Please give me a red one.

18. Here’s a pencil. C____ it yellow, please.

19. Look at that girl! She is in yellow d____.

20. The teacher is old, but the students are y____.

21. —Please give this ____ (信件)to Joan.—OK. I’ll give it to her.

22. Paul is short and he____ (拥有)blue eyes.

23. —Are these your ____(鞋子)?—Yes, they are.

24. —Do you know Maria?—____(对不起), I don’t know her.

25. We have two hands and two ____(脚).

26. I have three                 (照片) about my school.

27. We are living a                 (幸福) life than we used to.

28. Those are             (香蕉) and these are              (桔子).

29. Sun Li is in Class Two. I'm in Class Two, too. We are                 (同班同学).

30. The bananas(香蕉) are                 (黄色的).

31. There are 26 l                 in English, such as A, B, C and so on.

32. Betty is only four years old. She is y                . She can't go to school.

33. The w                 next to her is my dad's sister, my aunt Sally.

34. The panda is very cute. It's b                 and white.

35. Watching too much TV is bad for our e                .

36. This hat is big. I want a s                 one.

37. My aunt and my mother are s                .

38. We are from China and we are C                .

39. The Changjiang River is one of the l                 rivers in the world.

40. The paper is w                .

41. Can you                 (猜) who the winner is?

42. The boy has only three                 (头发).

43. White is my                 (最喜欢) colour?

44.                 (刀) and forks will be necessary when we have western food.

45. What                 (颜色) is the cup?

46. Germs are so s                 that we can only see them by microscope(显微镜).

47. The woman is my mother's s                . She's my aunt.

48. David's C                 name is He Xiaofan.

49. This skirt is too l                . I'll take the short one.

50. My socks aren't w                . They're black.

51. It is one of my_______ (最喜欢的) TV programme.

52. She always likes to buy the c________ made of this kind of cloth in that clothing store.

53. Can you find out some i__________ about Bill Gates.

54. He is friendly to o_________ people.

55. —What does he l____ like?—He’s tall and strong.




1.—Cindy, what’s this?

—______________________. (photo)

2.—Bob, is the man (男人) your father? 

—______________________. (uncle)

3.—Jack, ________________?  (those)

—No, they are Mike’s.

4.—Alice, _________________?  (his)

—Yes, it is.    

5.—______________________? (who)

—She is my cousin.


1. like, what, Jim, does, look


2. tall, she, is,


3. old, his, thirteen, sister, years, is


4. does, he, have, hair, brown


5. color, is, what, coat, your





_______ does your first teacher ________ ________?

2. 穿黑色衣服的那个人是谁?

_______ _______ that man in black?

3. — 那是谁的外套?— 是我的。

— _________ coat is that?— It’s _________.

4. 我想要买一支钢笔。

I _______ _______ _______ a pen.

5. 她有一张大嘴巴吗?

________ she _______ ________ ________mouth?



1. Li Ming and Li Lei look the same. (同义句转换)

Li Ming ____ ____ Li Lei.

2. Please give her the pen. (同义句转换)

Please give the pen ____ ____.

3. Those apples are red. (同义句转换)

Those are ________ ________.

4. He has short hair.(改为一般疑问句)

________ he _______ short hair?

5. Do you have a sister?(作否定回答)

________, I ________.

6. I want to take the books to the room. (改为否定句)

I ________ _______ to take the books to the room.

7. Lucy’s brother wants to be an actor. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ Lucy’s brother _______ to be an actor?

8. That is Lisa’s book. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ is that?

9. My pants are black.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ are your pants?

10. Mike has blond hair and blue eyes. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Mike look like?



A: Hi, Han Mei.   1 

B: I’m in Class Three, Grade Seven.

A: Oh, I have a good friend in your class.

B:   2 

A: Yes, she is. She has a round face.

B: Does she have long black hair?

A:   3   She has short black hair.

B: Does she have big eyes?

A:   4 

B:   5 

A: She comes from Shanghai.

B: Is she Zhang Hong?

A: Yes, you are right.


A. Who is she?

B. What class are you in?

C. Where is she from?

D. No, she doesn’t.

E. Is your friend a girl?

F. Where is he from?

G. Yes, she does.
















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