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更新时间:2021-08-17浏览:评论: 条

Chinese say compulsory Peking Opera classes off key

A programme launched in China to teach traditional Peking opera in schools has drawn criticism from some Internet users who said untrained teachers and forced instruction might put off students from the 200-year-old art. Classic Peking Opera items will be added to the music curriculum in 200 schools across 10 provinces in China to promote traditional culture among its younger generation, the Beijing News said. “The aim of this programme is to help the children to develop an interest in the nation’s unique cultural treasures,” the paper quoted Wang Jun, a culture official in Beijing’s education bureau, as saying.


In media commentaries, people questioned how music teachers, themselves untrained in Peking Opera, would educate students in the complex gestures and trilling vocals that characterise the art. Only 27 percent of some 21,000 respondents to an opinion poll carried by popular web portal Sina.com, believed the course would help promote traditional Chinese culture. “If the students are forced to learn, it might backfire and make them totally lose interest,” said a post by an Internet user.

媒体评论说:人们质疑,音乐教师本身没有接受过京剧教育,如何能够教授学生复杂的身段和抑扬顿挫的唱腔呢?而这些都是京剧的特色。在大众门户网站新浪网的民意调查中,大概21, 000名被参与者中只有27%认为这一课程有助于弘扬中国传统文化。“如果强迫学生学习,可能会适得其反,令他们彻底丧失兴趣。”一位网民发贴说。

A plan to introduce compulsory dance classes aimed at improving primary and high school children’s social skills and fitness, drew fire from some parents concerned the waltz and other ballroom steps might foster puppy love between their children and dance partners.


Remarks: 进课堂的15个选段里有6段样板戏,也有说有10段的。估计出这主意的人都是“50”后的吧。《周大侠》歌词该改一改了:唱平剧就耍花枪,样板戏进了课堂,豆腐,豆腐,我在初中学校里面学的是卖豆腐。

