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人教版|初中英语新目标八年级上Unit 8 随堂检测题含答案

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人教版八年级上册Unit 8 随堂检测


Section A

Ⅰ. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。

salt, watermelon, spoon, add, pour

1. Give me three of honey, Dad.

2. Susan likes some milk to her coffee.

3. For fruit, I only like bananas and .

4. Just now Henry some water into the blender.

5. is common in our lives and we often use it to cook food.

Ⅱ. 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。

1. Will twenty more chairs be enough? (改为同义句)Will be enough?

2. Remember to buy a gift for your cousin. (改为同义句)

a gift for your cousin.

3. Jim tried hard, and in the end he made his dream come true. (改为同义句)

Jim tried hard, and he made his dream come true.

4. 请你帮我把肉切碎好吗?(完成译句)

Would you please help me?


5. 咱们打开电视吧,天气预报的时间到了。(完成译句)

Let's . It's time for the weather report.

Ⅲ. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。

A: Hi, Tara! Do you like fruit salad?

B: Oh, yeah, Anna. I like it very much.

A: (1)

B: OK. What do we need?

A: Let me see. (2)

B: What else?

A: Some salad cream, of course. B: How much?

A: Er ... One teaspoon (茶匙).

B: OK. (3)

A: Yes, only a small one. And some yogurt.

B: How much?

A: A cup. (4)

B: Yes. How many oranges do we need?

A: (5) And here is a bowl. It's ready now.

A. Let's make it now.

B. Two should be enough.

C. Do you have any oranges?

D. Do we need any dragon fruit (火龙果)?

E. We need two apples and three bananas.

Grammar Focus

Ⅰ. 根据语境,用 how many 或how much 补全对话。

1. — machines are there in that factory?

—More than 100.

2. — hours does your son spend doing his homework every day?

—About an hour.

3. —Mom, sugar should I add to the soup?

—One spoon.

4. — kilos of cheese will you buy?


5. —Mrs. Green, corn do you need?

—Half a cup.

6. — is your popcorn, Mike?

—16 yuan.

Ⅱ. 根据短文内容及所给图片提示补全短文。

人教版|初中英语新目标八年级上Unit 8 随堂检测题含答案


 Usually we plant trees in spring as it is easier for young trees to grow in this season. Do you want to know how to plant a tree? Please follow these steps.

(1) ( 图 1). It should be large enough for the young tree.

Next, knock (敲) a long strong stick (棍) into the earth (土) and (2) (图2).

(3) (图 3). Step (踩) on the earth several times.

Finally, tie (捆) the tree to the top of the stick. And (4) (图 4).


Section B

Ⅰ. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词。

1. Kelly likes summer but her sister likes a .

2. Alan usually c his birthday with a party.

3. The Dragon Boat Festival is a t festival in China.

4. During the first week, the t visited many places of interest in Beijing.

5. After meals Maria washed all the p and bowls.

6. My grandpa tried western food like pizza and s , but he didn't like them.

Ⅱ. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出所缺短语,每空一词。

1. Holly ate (两片面包) and one egg this morning.

2. We must keep the food (在低温下).

3. You need to (把鸡肉切成片).

4. 70% of the surface (表面) of the earth (被水覆盖着).

5. Helen (把玻璃杯装满水) and took it to her father.

6. Mrs. Steen (把……混在一起) lettuce, pepper and gravy just now.


Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思及括号内所给英文提示语,将下列句子翻译成英语。

1. Bill 通过读英文报纸学习新单词。(by)

2. 看!学生们在一个接一个地上校车。(one by one)

3. 请把饺子端给你的朋友们。(serve)

4. 这是提高你英语水平的一种方法。(Here is one way to ...)

5. 这是和其他人分享玩具的时刻。(It's a time to ...)


Self Check


ugar, fill, pour, shake, happy, serve, sandwich

 The smell of coffee woke me up. I ran into the kitchen. There was Grandpa! He was happy to see me. He (1) hands with me.

 Mom said, “I'll make (2) . Go down to the cellar (地下室) and bring (拿来) me that jar (罐子) (3) with pieces of apples.” That was the last jar. We saved it (4) Grandpa. I took down the jar and put both my hands around it. I walked very carefully. Suddenly (突然) the jar walked out of my hands. Then pieces of apples flew everywhere.

 “Are you OK?” Mom came quickly. I thought she was (5) , but that was all she said. Grandpa said, “Never mind, Mike, accidents (意外) often happen.”

 “Now go out of the kitchen,” Mom said. “I'll make a special (6) hamburger, and it doesn't need apples.”

 Grandpa and I went out, but I felt sad. He (7) some water for me. I drank some, and then he told me some interesting things in the countryside. About an hour later, Dad came back. Mom called us in for Thanksgiving dinner.




Section A

Ⅰ. 1. spoons 2. to add / adding

3. watermelons 4. poured 5. Salt

Ⅱ. 1. another twenty chairs

2. Don't forget to buy

3. finally

4. cut up the meat / cut the meat up

5. turn on the TV / turn the TV on

Ⅲ. 1-5 AEDCB


Grammar Focus

Ⅰ. 1. How many 2. How many

3. how much 4. How many

5. how much 6. How much

Ⅱ. 1. First, dig a hole

2. put the young tree into the hole

3. Then, put the earth back in the hole

4. water the young tree


Section B

Ⅰ. 1. autumn 2. celebrates

3. traditional 4. travelers

5. plates 6. sandwiches

Ⅱ. 1. two pieces of bread

2. at a low temperature

3. cut the chicken into pieces

4. is covered with water

5. filled the glass with water

6. mixed together

Ⅲ. 1. Bill studies / learns new words by reading English newspapers.

2. Look! The students are getting on the school bus one by one.

3. Please serve the dumplings to your friends/ Please serve your friends (with) the dumplings.

4. Here is one way to improve your English.

5. It's a time to share toys with the others.


Self Check

1. shook 2. sandwiches

3. filled 4. to serve

5. unhappy 6. sugar 7. poured




