

Module 2 No Drugs
1.drug [drʌɡ] n. 毒品;药品
2.bronchitis [brɔŋ'kaitis] n. 支气管炎
3.cancer ['kænsə] n. 癌症
4.cigarette [ˌsiɡə'ret] n. 香烟
5.tobacco [tə'bækəu] n. 烟草;烟丝
6.addictive [ə'diktiv] adj.(药物等)上瘾的
7.cannabis ['kænəbis] n. 大麻
8.cocaine [kəu'kein] n. 可卡因
9.danger ['deindʒə] n. 危险
10.addict [æ'dikt] n. 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子
11.inject [in'dʒekt] vt. 注射
12.needle ['ni:dl] n.(注射用的)针;针管
13.powerful ['pauəfl] adj. 有力的;(药等)有功效的
14.reduce [ri'dju:s] vt. 减少
15.nearby [ˌniə'bai] adj. 附近的
16.burglary ['bə:gləri] n.盗窃;窃案;盗窃罪
17.crime [kraim] n. 罪行;犯罪行为
18.criminal ['kriminl] n. 罪犯
19.connection [kə'nekʃn] n. 联系;关系;关联
20.illegal [ɪ'li:gl] adj. 违法的;不合法的
21.ratio ['reiʃiəu] n. 比;比率
22.shoplifting ['ʃɔp,liftiŋ] n. 逛商店时偷窃商品的行为
23.treatment ['tri:tmənt] n. 治疗
24.likely ['laikli] adj. 可能的
25.adult ['ædʌlt] n. 成人
26.café ['kæfei] n. 咖啡馆;餐馆
27.disagree [ˌdisə'gri:] vi. 不同意;意见不合
28.ban [bæn] vt. 禁止
29.horrible ['hɔrəbl] adj.令人不快的;极讨厌的
30.affect [ə'fekt] vt. 影响;对……有坏影响
31.participant [pa:'tisipənt] n. 参与者;参加者
32.recognise ['rekəgˌnaiz] vt. 认识;认知;认出
33.leaflet ['li:flət] n. 传单;印刷品
34.distraction [di'strækʃn] n. 分心;分散注意力
35.jogging ['dʒɔgiŋ] n. 慢跑
36.gymnastic [dʒim'næstik] adj. 体操的
1.be addicted to sth. 对某物上瘾
2. be in danger 处于危险之中
3. ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事
4. There is no point (in) doing sth. 做某事没有意义
5. develop interests 培养兴趣
6. break into a house 破门而入
7. be related to sb. 与某人有关系
8. take/follow one’s advice 听从某人建议
9. give up 放弃
10. share...with sb. 和某人分享……
11. compare…to… 把……比做……
12. do a survey 做一个调查
13. make a list 列一个名单
14. stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
15. against the law 违法
16. under medical treatment 在治疗中
17. continue to do sth. 继续做某事
18. offer sb. sth. 向某人提供某物
19. cause many deaths 导致许多人死亡
20. die of hunger 死于饥饿
21. a heart attack 一次心脏病发作
22. ask sb. for money 向某人要钱
23. be in pain 处于痛苦之中
24. take sth. to someplace 把某物带到某地
25. leave school 辍学,离开学校
26. mind doing sth. 介意做某事
27. in public 当众地
28. set a date 确定一个日期
29. increase to… 增加到……
30. by this time 到这时
31. during the 1990s 在二十世纪九十年代
32. inject…into 把……注入
33. reduce to... 减少到……
34. participate in 参与
35. distract from 使分心
1.Addicted to computer games, he lost interest in his study.
2.The climate here disagrees with me.
3.All the people in the room were affected to tears.
4.What the teacher said had a great effect on me.
5.Lincoln is recognized as one of the greatest presidents in America.
6.The girl broke into tears at the news that she failed again.
7.You will break down sooner or later if you go on working like that.
8.After a month, their food supplies gave out.
9.The headmaster is not likely to attend the meeting.
10.Whatever he did, his parents supported him.
