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更新时间:2020-03-19浏览:评论: 条




▲ 2019 年


全国卷 Ⅰ

All the football players>

全国卷 Ⅲ

Now my dream is to opens a pen cafe.

If I succeed in manage> 


▲ 2018 年

全国卷 Ⅰ

My grandpa said last summer they earned quite a lot by sell the fish.

全国卷 Ⅱ

As a kid, I loved to watch cartoons, but no matter how many times I asked to watching them, my parents would not let me.

全国卷 Ⅲ

Everyone was silent, wait to see who would be called upon to read his or her paragraph aloud.


▲ 2017 年

全国卷 Ⅱ

When summer comes, they will invite their students pick the fresh vegetables!


▲ 2016 年

全国卷 Ⅱ

We can choose between staying at home and take a trip.

全国卷 Ⅲ

I showed them I was independent by wear strange clothes.


▲ 2015 年

全国卷 Ⅱ

After looks at the toy for some time, he turned around and found his parents were missing.





 2019 年

全国卷 Ⅰ

say → saying

全国卷 Ⅲ

opens → open

manage → managing

▲ 2018 年

全国卷 Ⅰ

sell → selling

全国卷 Ⅱ

watching → watch

全国卷 Ⅲ

wait → waiting

▲ 2017 年

全国卷 Ⅱ

pick → to pick

▲ 2016 年

全国卷 Ⅱ

take → taking

全国卷 Ⅲ

wear → wearing

▲ 2015 年

全国卷 Ⅱ

looks → looking


