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Unit 1 A trip to the Silk Road 



1.trip /trɪp/  n. 旅行,旅程  

2.silk /sɪlk/   n. 丝;丝绸  

3.road /rəʊd/   n. 路;公路  

4.lead /li:d/ v. (led/led) 带领;指路  

5.note /nəʊt/  n. 便签;笔记  

6.chance /tʃɑːns/ n. 机会;运气  

7.send /send/   v. (sent/sent) 寄;送  

8.news /njuːz/  n. 新闻;消息    

9.exciting /ɪk'saɪtɪŋ/  adj.  使人激动的  

10.along /ə'lɒŋ/  prep. 沿着……  

11.kilometre /'kɪlɔmiːtə/  n. 千米;公里    

12.special /'speʃl/  adj. 特殊的;特别的  

13.culture /'kʌltʃə/  n. 文化  

14.arrive /ə'raɪv/   v. 到达,抵达  

15.leave /liːv/  v. (left/left) 动身;出发; 离开  

16.hit /hɪt/  v. (hit/hit) 击,击中  

17.ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/  adj. 古代的;古老的  

18.drum /drʌm/  n. 鼓  

19.ring /rɪŋ/   v. (rang/rung) 打电话;按(铃);鸣;响  

20.bell /bel/   n. 钟;铃  

21.enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/   v. 喜欢;享受……乐趣  

22.dish /dɪʃ/   n. 菜肴;盘,碟  

23.tour /tʊə/   n.&v. 旅游;游行 

24.guide /gaɪd/  n. 导游;向导  

25.pit /pɪt/  n.  坑,深坑;陷阱  

26.move /muːv/  v. 移动;搬动  

27.sign /saɪn/ n. 记号;招牌  

28.group /gruːp/   n. 群;组;团体  

29.bridge /brɪdʒ/  n. 桥梁  

30.cross /krɒs/  v. 横跨;横穿  

31.wide /waɪd/  adj. 宽的;广泛的  

32.cheese /tʃiːz/ n.  干酪;奶酪  

33.another /ə'nʌðə/  adj. 另外的;又 pron. 另一个  

34.amazing /ə'meɪzɪŋ/ adj.  惊奇的;惊人的  

35.main /meɪn/ adj.  主要的  

36.sand /sænd/ n.   沙;沙地  

37.cave /keɪv/ n. 洞窑;山洞  

38.believe /bɪ'liːv/  v. 相信  

39.camel /'kæml/ n. 骆驼  

40.sir /sɜː/  n. 先生;老师  

41.safe /seɪf/ adj.   安全的  

42.fall /fɔːl/   v. (fell/fallen) 落下,跌倒  

43.onto /'ɒntuː/  prep.  到……上面  

44.diary /'daɪər/  n. 日记;日志  

45.last /lɑːst/ adj.  最后的;上一个  

46.clothing /'kləʊðɪŋ/ n. 衣物  

47.nest /nest/ n. (鸟的)窝,巢  

48.few /fjuː/ adj.  少数的;很少的  

49.building /'bɪldɪŋ/ n. 建筑物  

50.hold /həʊld/   v. (held/held) 举行;拿着  

51.Olympics /o'lɪmpɪks/ n. 奥林匹克竞赛;奥运会  

52.thousand /'θaʊzənd/ num.   千  

53.instrument /'ɪnstrʊmənt/ n. 乐器;仪器  

54.someday /'sʌmdeɪ/   adv. 将来有一天  



1.guess what猜猜看;你猜怎么着 

2.learn about学习,了解 

3.take notes 做笔记 

4.a trip to... 一次去……的旅行 

5.lead one’s way 带路,领路 

6.get a chance 有机会 

7.by chance恰巧,偶然 

8.take one’s chance 碰运气,听天由命 

9.send sb. sth. 把某物寄给某人 

10.a piece of news 一则新闻 

11.good news 好消息 

12.climb up 爬上,攀登 

13.wash dishes 洗盘碟 

14.homely dishes 家常便饭 

15.go for a walk 散步 

16.take a picture照相 

17.a group of 一群 

18.in groups 分组 

19.take a tour 参观,旅游 

20.on one’s way to... 某人在去……的路上 

21.be famous as 作为……而出名 

22.fall off 跌落,下降 

23.a few 一些;几个 

24.only a few 只有几个 

25.quite a few 好几个,许多 

26.thousands of 数以千计的;许多的 

27.on time 准时 

28.in time 及时 

29.hold on 不挂电话 

30.hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 

31.hold a meeting 举行会议 



1.Mum and Dad, may I ask you a question? 


2. Is the Silk Road made of silk? 


3. How far is it from Beijing to Xi’an? 


4.Later, they go for a walk along the Yellow River. 


5.Can we take a picture in front of the statue, Ms. Martin? 


6. It’s famous as the City of Sands. 


7. You will not fall off. 


8. Where else can you travel thousands of years back in time? 





