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【奇速英语‖2020高考】完形填空天天练08 15小题版

更新时间:2020-02-27浏览:评论: 条

Test 8


A mother was criticizing her daughter after watching the girl was not good enough to compete at a championship level during the daily training in the gymnastics camp.

The scene reminded me of my ___1___ of the day when one of my own gymnastic performances put me close to tears.

My mother became seriously ill when she was young, and she has___2___ a wheelchair ever since. But she never let that ___3___ her. She has raised five children and has a career as well.

One day I joined a gymnastics program at a nearby park. Before long, I was totally ___4___ in it. By 1972, I was on the National Gymnastics Team for the Olympic Games. I couldn’t think of anything else but ___5___ a gold medal.

Before the competition, all in my mind was ___6___ not to disgrace(使……丢脸)my country and myself. But, though I tried my best, I didn’t win a gold medal. I was so ___7___.  When the winners were receiving ___8___, I joined my parents in the stands, and we all cried. “I'm sorry. I did my best, ”said me.

    She said nothing but ten words I never ___9___, “Doing your best is more important than being the best. ” Suddenly I understood my mother___10___ than ever before. She had never let her handicap(残疾___11___ her from always doing her best.

    Now I approached the crying girl and put a(n) ___12___ around her. “Honey, ” I said. “I know you have done your best, and doing your best is more important than being the best. I'm  ___13___ you. ”

    She ___14___ at me with tears in her eyes. Maybe somewhere, someday, she’ll ___15___ those words along.

1. A. experiences    B. success      C. regrets     D. memories

2. A. needed    B. made        C. wanted     D. expected

3. A. control    B. challenge       C. discourage  D. disturb

4. A. confident    B. absorbed        C. involved D. trapped

5. A. finding    B. winning      C. earning  D. making

6. A. determination  B. satisfaction     C. encouragement  D. effort

7. A. annoyed    B. disappointed  C. embarrassed  D. worded

8. A. applauses    B. rewards    C. gifts  D. awards

9. A. remembered    B. ignored      C. understood  D. forgot

10. A. faster    B. better      C. closer  D. easier

11. A. prevent    B. save      C. protect D. forbid

12. A. arm    B. hand      C. ring  D. scarf

13. A. curious about  B. concerned about  C. proud of  D. sure of

14. A. glanced    B. smiled      C. 1aughed  D. shouted

15. A. continue    B. treat      C. pass  D. use


1-5 DACBB   6-10 ABDDB  11-15 AACBC



