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更新时间:2020-02-20浏览:评论: 条

Some foreigners in China are showing confidence in the country's efforts to battle the coronavirus outbreak. A video shot by Mohammed Shalabi, a foreigner who runs a restaurant in Yiwu, East China's Zhejiang Province, has been shown. "I'm Mohammed. I'm in Yiwu. Please stay at home. Stay indoors," Mohammed told people in the video.
"I believe the Chinese government will handle it soon. It takes time," he said. Yiwu is where more than 13,000 foreign businessmen from more than 100 countries and regions live and do business.
Luo Ai (Chinese name) considers himself half Chinese. "I have lived in China for many years and my children are also growing up here." said Luo, a foreign businessman in Yiwu. "Zhongguo, Jiayou! (Be strong, China!) Wuhan, Jiayou (Be strong, Wuhan!)," Luo's two kids speak fluent Chinese in a video. "My family urged me to go back after the epidemic outbreak, but this is a tough time for China. I have to stay here with the Chinese people." The efficiency and transparency of the Chinese government's response gave him a reason to reassure his family. "I told them that I believe China can handle it."
Many foreigners have chosen to stay in China and offer support. Anne Li, 64, and Jade, both from South Africa, took temperatures as volunteers for people at a vegetable market in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province. Anne Li has lived in Tongxiang for 10 years. "This is what I have to do. Tongxiang is my second home. People here need my help," she said, adding that she was not afraid at all. I believe I can protect myself. I believe my school and the Chinese government can protect us," Li said. Jade said she did not feel fear at all. "I believe that each of us has the courage and faith to overcome difficulties. Our life will be good only if China is good. Helping the Chinese is also helping myself. The only thing to do now is to work hard and keep at it.”
1. What did Mohammed Shalabi do in China?
A. A school teacher.
B. A film director.
C. A restaurant boss.
D. A famous doctor.
2 . What did Mohammed think of the Chinese government?
A. They could beat the disease sooner or later.
B. They would make more and more money.
C. They should ask more foreigners to go back to China.
D. They would encourage people to go outside.
3. Why does Luo Ai consider himself half Chinese?
A. His wife comes from China.
B. His sons can speak only Chinese.
C. He has been staying in China.
D. He has many Chinese friends.
4. What did Anne Li do to help with fighting against the disease?
A. She sold more vegetables.
B. She worked in the government.
C. She volunteered in Zhejiang.
D. She protected some Chinese people.
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英国引进中国数学教育 国际学生评估项目成绩排名显著提升
Britain has jumped up international rankings for maths following Government efforts to import Chinese-style teaching into the classroom. The UK came 18th, up from 27th three years ago, in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) league table.
The PISA tests, which are administered by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, were taken by 79 countries last year. The assessment is carried out every three years and involves more than half a million 15-year-olds across the globe taking two-hour tests. Last year the UK scored an average of 502 points in mathematics, up from 492 in 2015.
Within the UK, the average score for maths among English pupils (504) was “significantly higher” than scores for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the Department for Education said. Experts have said that ministers’ attempts to emulate Chinese teaching methods are likely to have driven up the UK’s test results. Countries in the Far East — including China, Singapore and Hong Kong have long come at the top of the league tables for maths.
Professor Valsa Koshy, an expert in maths education at Brunel University, said, “Importing maths teaching from Far Eastern countries means there has been an emphasis on children needing to master the basic facts and traditional skills such as times tables. This used to be laughed at as too old fashioned.”
In 2014, the Department for Education set up an exchange programme between English and Shanghai schools so that maths teachers could learn about Chinese teaching methods. The programme was followed two years later by a £41 million pound project to train thousands of primary schools to adopt the “Shanghai-style”, also known as the “maths mastery approach”. Maths mastery involves children being taught as a whole class, building depth of understanding of the structure of the subject, and is supported by the use of high-quality textbooks. A series of maths “hubs” were set up around the country to train teachers in the new methods.
1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the PISA test?
A. It is a global test.
B. The test lasts two hours.
C. It is carried out every three years.
D. It includes teaching methods.
2. What’s the result of the PISA maths test in the UK?
A. Scotland’s ranking is the same as that of Wales.
B. The score of the UK is far behind the world average.
C. The UK ranks higher than any other European country.
D. England takes up the top place of the score list in the UK.
3 . What can we infer from Paragraph 3?
A. Maths teaching in the UK needs reforming nowadays.
B. Maths teaching in China is the most advanced in the world.
C. The traditional maths teaching methods are not out of date.
D. Far Eastern countries emphasize students’ initiative learning.
4. What’s the feature of Shanghai maths teaching methods?
A. They rely on textbooks completely.
B. They deepen the understanding of the subject structure.
C. They adopt a group cooperative learning model.
D. They carry out a large number of after-class exercises.

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