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更新时间:2020-02-20浏览:评论: 条

印度村庄野猴猖狂扰民 村民假扮熊吓跑猴子
Villagers in India being terrorized by more than 2,000 wild monkeys claim to have found a special way to deal with the trouble—by dressing up as bears. Sikandarpur village in Uttar Pradesh dressed two villagers in bear costumes to try scaring away the monkeys after the forest department ignored their pleas for help.
“We have now started taking turns in wearing the bear costume and walking around the village,” village head Ram Lalit Verma added. “It was a relative who had told me about the idea and it is actually working.”
Villagers donated money to buy three costumes from a make-up artist for 1,700 Indian Rupees ($23.82) each, he said. The village now claims the trick has led to a drastic drop in monkey attacks. There had previously been 150 reports of such attacks, which especially targeted children.
The forest department had told villagers that a lack of funds has prevented them from doing much about the exploding monkey population. “Catching a monkey would cost nearly 600 Indian Rupees ($8.41) and last time we got funds was in 2018 when we had called a rescue team from Mathura,” forest officer Singh said.
The most the officers could do, Singh said, was to allow villagers to catch the monkeys themselves and help them release the simians into the wild elsewhere. Singh added that he would visit the village, and if he sees that the bear trick is working, he’ll suggest it to other villages. Last year, a farmer in Thirthahalli in the state of Karnataka resorted to painting his pet dog like the tiger to protect his coffee crop from thieving monkeys.
1. Why did the villagers dress up as bears?
A. They wanted to leave Sikandarpur village.
B. They would like to drive the moneys away.
C. They were working in the forest department.
D. They needed to find 2,000 wild monkeys.
2. Who told Ram Lalit Verma the idea of dressing up as bears?
A. A make-up artist.
B. An official.
C. A reporter.
D. A relative.
3. Why didn’t the forest department catch the monkeys?
A. They attacked too many children.
B. They didn’t have enough money.
C. They had an excellent rescue team.
D. They liked exploding monkey population.
4. The underlined part “the simians” may refer to ______.
A. the villages
B. the crops
C. the moneys
D. the paintings

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澳大利亚山火肆虐 国宝考拉面临灭绝危机
The wildfires burning in southern Australia have wiped out much of the koala population, adding the fear that the national icon is getting closer to extinction. "In what is a national tragedy, the fires in and around Port Macquarie in November killed a genetically diverse koala population," Port Macquarie Koala Hospital said. "As many as 350 koalas have perished, with approximately 75% of the fireground footprint being prime koala habitat."
The hospital established a GoFundMe account to help affected koalas recuperate. The terrible fire have caused a devastating blow to the koala population, which was decreasing greatly before this month's wildfires. There are only about 40,000 to 100,000 koalas remaining after "uncontrolled habitat destruction" reduced the population, according to the Australia Zoo.
In addition to bushfires, habitat clearing, dog attacks and road accidents, more than 2.5 million koalas have been killed to supply the fur trade in America and Europe, the zoo said. Koalas are now considered endangered, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species. "We believe the wild population of koalas is critically threatened and in need of our protection," the Australia Zoo said.
The number of people affected from the wildfires has also been large. Four people have died and hundreds of homes have been destroyed. In New South Wales, which is home to nearly 8 million people, wildfires have already burnt an area three times larger than during the entire fire season last year. The fires are fueled by soaring temperatures, fierce winds and the worst drought in decades. Even worse, summer in Australia doesn't even start until December 1.
1 . The underlined word “perished” in the first paragraph may mean _______.
A. burnt
B. died
C. ran
D. left
2 . What did the hospital do to help the affected koalas?
A. They collected money.
B. They stopped the fire.
C. They built habitats.
D. They drew national icons.
3 . What made the koalas endangered?
A. The increased habitats.
B. The railway accidents.
C. The fur business.
D. The cat attacks.
4 . What may help people end the wildfires?
A. The soaring temperatures.
B. The fierce winds.
C. The worst drought.
D. The coming summer.

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