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更新时间:2020-02-20浏览:评论: 条

巨型热狗亮相纽约 欲创吉尼斯“世界最大热狗”纪录
Everyone is always talking about whether a hot dog is a sandwich, but no one ever asks the most important hot dog question — Should a hot dog weigh 66 pounds?
For hot dog company Feltman's, the answer is yes. The great business gave Coney Island, New York its first hot dog in 1867. Recently it made a 66-pound, 5-foot long hot dog. It hoped to break the Guinness World Record for the world's biggest hot dog.
People actually ate the hot dog. In fact, they paid $10 for each piece at a lower Manhattan block party. They would collect all the money and gave it to the Headstrong Project on mental health care for veterans, because they once fought for people in the war time and were elder heroes to the country. People could taste each piece with some seasoning like mustard and sauerkraut.
1. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A. A sandwich.
B. A hot dog.
C. A food company.
D. The Headstrong Project.
2. The first hot dog was born _____ in New York.
A. in the 1660s
B. in the 1760s
C. in the 1860s
D. in the 1960s
3. Which was NOT mentioned about the great hot dog?
A. Its size.
B. Its price.
C. Its colour.
D. Its weight.
4. The underlined word “veteran” means ______ in Chinese.
A. 总统
B. 老兵
C. 医生
D. 厨师
5. The party tried to _______ through the hot dog.
A. collect money
B. enjoy nice food
C. make more money
D. celebrate the birth of Feltman's
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印尼推出“塑料公交车” 以瓶换票
While people in Shanghai are busy with trash sorting, a city in Indonesia has found a different solution to recycling waste. It is the “Plastic to Ride” project.  
Surabaya is Indonesia’s second largest city. People there can exchange trash for free bus ticket. A one-hour ticket costs five plastic bottles or ten plastic cups. The project is popular in the city. Nearly 16,000 passengers take part in it each week. A bus can collect up to 250 kilograms of trash every day.  
The project encourages people to travel by bus, which helps reduce plastic waste. Sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it?
1. Where does the trash sorting take place?
A. In Thailand.
B. In India.
C. In Surabaya.
D. In Shanghai.
2. Why do people collect plastic bottles?
A. Because it can help clean the air.
B. Because it could be used to take a taxi.
C. Because it could be used to take a bus.
D. Because it can help reduce plastic use.
3. How long can you take the bus with ten plastic bottles?
A. 1 hour.
B. 2 hours.
C. 20 minutes.
D. 30 minutes.
4. What does the writer think of the “Plastic to Ride” project?
A. It’s a good project.
B. It’s a waste of time.
C. It’s a waste of energy.
D. It’s just so-so.
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