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更新时间:2021-08-24浏览:评论: 条

每天都有人要结婚,大多数时候,新人们花了那么多钱买的繁茂的插花在婚礼结束后就浪费了。埃莉诺·洛芙(Eleanor Love)希望能改变这种状况,同时确保花朵有更有意义的用途。



Eleanor Love has always loved flowers. Before she started medical school at Virginia Commonwealth University, she took a job working in a flower shop. Not only did she learn more about caring for cut flowers, but she also realized that these blossoms have an uncanny ability to lift people’s spirits no matter how difficult their circumstances may be. Even better, they can actually boost people’s health! “Flowers have been shown to improve healing and rates of recovery from surgery,” Eleanor said. “They’ve been shown, of course, to improve people’s mental health and to lift people’s spirits.”

She was in her fourth year of med school when she first heard about a program on the West Coast that recycles wedding and funeral flowers to give to hospital patients. Inspired, she decided to start her own program at VCU Medical Center, which she called The Simple Sunflower.

The Simple Sunflower works by asking couples ahead of time if they would like to donate their flowers. Most say yes, so Eleanor and her team of volunteers head over to collect the flowers and process them in a volunteer room at the hospital. Together, they take the best blooms and create floral arrangements(插花) that will last for several days. After putting them on a cart, they deliver them to patients at VCU Medical Center.












