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更新时间:2021-06-15浏览:评论: 条

导读:澳大利亚维多利亚州的两名警察在一家杂货店外停下来与一名无家可归的男子交谈后,他们的温暖善举被摄像机镜头记录了下来。阿黛尔·芭芭罗(Adele Barbaro)把这个故事分享到了她的Instagram账号上。




It is cold tonight, I was rugged up as I walked through the car park of my local Woolies. A few steps ahead of me were 2 police officers heading straight for a homeless man sitting at the entry. He had a handwritten sign requesting spare change so he could get some food. It’s not unusual to see someone less fortunate at the entry, it happens all the time, sometimes I throw in some spare change, but most times I’m guilty of walking past.

As the officers approached him, instead of saying “time to move on” or “you know you can’t be here”, one of them said “What brings you out in the cold tonight, mate?” I heard him talk about being hungry and the iPads came out as they took details, and as I made my way through the automatic doors I could hear the officers say “We just wanna make sure your OK, mate?”

I went about shopping, grabbing drinks and food without giving it a second thought. I saw the 2 officers inside with a hot roast chicken and some bread rolls and thought they were getting themselves late shift dinner. But then I noticed main food like rice and cereal and one of the said “we probably need to get him some milk too.”


  • be rugged up裹好了;穿戴整齐
    例句:He was rugged up to ride a bike home.他穿戴整齐骑自行车回家。
  • automatic / ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk / adj. 自动的
    例句:Modern trains have automatic doors.现代火车装有自动门。
  • split/ splɪt / v. 划分;分开
    例句:The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
  • rookie/ ˈrʊki/ n.新手
    例句:The baseball team have two rookies who are very good. 棒球队有两个相当棒的新手。
  • scammer / s'kæmər / n. 骗子;诈骗犯
    例句:The scammer was dealt with according to law. 骗子被绳之以法。
  • overhear / ˌəʊvəˈhɪə(r) / v. 偶然听到;无意中听到
    例句:We talked quietly so as not to be overheard.我们低声交谈,以免别人听到。
  • We ended up at the checkout at the same time, they had split up and seemed to do half the groceries each and both pulling out wallets/purses to pay half each.
    我们最终在同一时间到了收银台,他们分开了,似乎每人要付一半的杂货费,两人都掏出钱包付一半的钱。end up意为“最终”; split up意为“分开”;pull out意为“取出”。
  • These 2 weren’t rookies, they clearly knew the difference between a scammer and someone who was really hungry.













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