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人教版 ▏八年级英语(下册)Unit 1~3单词巩固练习

更新时间:2021-03-25浏览:评论: 条

八年级下Unit 1-3单词巩固



1.Since we live in one house with our parents, we should know how to do our p_______ in keeping it clean and tidy.

2.I have a ________(feel) of hunger. Do you have something to eat?

3.The d______ of his pet cat made the boy very sad.

4.There is too much r______, our job is to clear it away.

5.The sick children are well taken care of by the doctors and n_______.

6.I wrote some l________ to you.

7.—Dave d________on his sister too much. —Yes. He always asks his sister to do this or to do that.

8.My arms _______(受伤)and I can't carry anything.

9.Mike’s brother is d______. He can’t hear anything.

10.I don`t think it`s ____________(公平的)

11.Do you know who is the first _______(登山者) to reach the top of Qomolangma?

12.Words can hardly describe how ___________(激动的)we feel about the news.

13.Take some _______(药) and you'll feel better soon.

14.I’d like to thank you for_______(改変) my life.

15.Kids these days already have enough s________from school.

16.He will____a small supermarket on Long Street.(建立)

17.Our j___________to Paris last summer was wonderful.

18.I want to learn more about how to__________(关心)for animals.

19.The room is very dirty. Could you c_________ it now?

20.I don't know what to do in this terrible s________. Can you help me?

21.Can you help me to r________ the machine?It doesn't work.

22.N_________of them did the homework, so Jim and Tim had to stay in the classroom after school.

23.Chen Bin didn’t come to school because he ____yesterday.(患病)

24.____pass the exam, he studies hard every day.(为了)

25.Please show me your ten_______ (手指).

26.After the party, there was a terrible ________(杂乱)in the room.

27.When you study or play the computer, you must have a _______(休息)every half an hour.

28.He went into the room and s_______ down in front of the TV.

29.We usually walk with our ______ (脚) and see with our eyes.

30.—Did you get a l________________from Jill last month? —No. I haven’t heard from her for a long time.

31.Does he c__________up with any way of getting money?

32.I don’t want to do chores and ____.(他也不想)

33.I think 5 dollars is e_______ for the book.

34.—Are you the ________ of the car? —Yes,it's mine.

35.There was a car a________ caused by ice on the road.

36.The box is heavy. Can you help me to c_________it?

37.Some people can’t walk or use their hands easily. We call them d______people.

38.He fell down and hurt his _______(膝盖)。

39.I ate too much just now, and now I have a_______(胃痛).

40.Just now my mother told me the i________ of learning English.



1.Would you be ________ (interest) in a second-hand car?

2._______(be ) healthy, we should eat more vegetables and fruits.

3.We could put up_______(sign ) on the wall.

4.He promised me that he would finish the work _______(quick).

5.I don't think ________(cook) is only for moms.

6.I want to thank you for ____________ (open) the door for me.

7.Your schoolbag is too old and you should think about _______(buy) a new one.

8.Should I_______( take ) my temperature?

9.We must be_______(care)when we cross the street.

10.The work is very hard.I felt_______(stress)very much.

11.We can’t put off___________(make) a plan.

12.I don't mind _______(drive) if you are tired.

13.Let’s cheer ________ (they) up, ok? 13. Could you tell me what _________(do) next?

14.I really hate _______________( listen) to the loud music.

15.I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of the joy on their _______( owner) faces.

16.Stop___________(talk ). It’s time for class.

17.When you have a stomachache, you shouldn’t eat _______(something) .

18.I want to be a cook in the future, but my parents expect me _______(be) a policeman.

19.My friends invited me _______(join) the art club,and I accepted it with pleasure.

20.Could he please not________(make) the bed?

21.Judy ________(hate) having math lessons because she thinks they're too difficult.

22.The boys are playing basketball while the girls ______________(play) volleyball.

23.As soon as I went back, I _______( lie ) down and had a rest.

24.Most people would never think about this, but many people have these___________(difficulty) .

25.My job is to_______ (study) hard.

26.You could _______( give) out food at the food bank.

27.I got out of trouble because of your _________ (kind).

28.As a result, he often fell ill and his grades________________ (drop).

29.It's necessary for us_______ (talk)to our parents when we have problems.

30.She ________(throw) the ball to me and I caught it.



人教版 ▏八年级英语(下册)Unit 1~3单词巩固练习









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