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更新时间:2021-03-13浏览:评论: 条

导读:俄罗斯西伯利亚一位老奶奶每天在贝加尔湖上滑冰引起了人们关注。现年80岁的柳博夫·莫尔霍多娃(Lyubov Morekhodova)把和她年龄差不多的冰鞋紧紧系在毛靴上,一场优雅的贝加尔湖冰面滑行就开始了。老奶奶从小就热爱滑冰,已经滑了70多年了。





Lake Baikal in southern Siberia is the largest, deepest freshwater lake in the world. Every winter when the lake freezes over for half the year, 80-year-old Lyubov Morekhodova straps on the same ancient skates as she’s worn since the 1940s and glides across the ice wherever she needs to go.

Lyubov, or Baba Lyuba as she’s called, has been using the ice to travel around her remote homestead(家宅) for her entire life. As a child, she recalls skating about 2.5 miles each way to school and back. She once fell through the ice in January and narrowly escaped with help from her classmates.

After raising her two children and working in a factory for almost 50 years, Baba Lyuba retired and now lives alone in a tiny cabin on the shores of Lake Baikal. Her children and five grandchildren rarely visit because they live five hours away by car, so her only company is a group of dogs, cows and chickens. Luckily, she has the ice to help her feel free! “For me, ice means being able to go anywhere and everywhere,” the grandmother said.


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  • strap/ stræp / v. 用带子系(或捆、扎、扣)好
    例句:I have to keep my leg strapped up for six weeks. 我的腿必须打六星期绷带。
  • trek / trek / n. 长途跋涉
    例句:He is on a trek through the Gobi desert. 他正徒步穿越戈壁沙漠。
  • Every winter when the lake freezes over for half the year, 80-year-old Lyubov Morekhodova straps on the same ancient skates as she’s worn since the 1940s and glides across the ice wherever she needs to go.
    每年冬天,当湖面结冰半年时,80岁的柳博夫·莫尔霍多娃(Lyubov Morekhodova)都会穿着上世纪40年代以来的那双古老溜冰鞋,不管需要去何处,滑过冰面。when引导时间状语从句;as引导定语从句,修饰先行词ancient skates;wherever引导让步状语从句,意为“不管到哪里”。
  • Lyubov, or Baba Lyuba as she’s called, has been using the ice to travel around her remote homestead(家宅) for her entire life.
    柳博夫,或者叫巴巴柳巴,她一生都在利用冰在她偏远的家园旅行。as引导定语从句,修饰先行词Baba Lyuba。
















