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奇速英语时文阅读高二:学生上网课无课桌 老师亲手制作无偿相送

更新时间:2021-02-27浏览:评论: 条

导读:爱荷华州安克尼市的七年级教师内特·埃文斯(Nate Evans)从事教学工作的原因很简单:帮助孩子。新冠疫情期间,他发现自己学生在家上网课无课桌,于是,他就亲手制作了一批课桌免费送给他们。

奇速英语时文阅读高二:学生上网课无课桌 老师亲手制作无偿相送


Nate Evans of Ankeny, Iowa, got into teaching for one simple reason: to help kids. So when his classes went remote at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, he was on the lookout for ways to ease the transition for children everywhere. One of the first things he noticed was how few students had a proper desk at home.

Nate teaches seventh-grade literacy. He said students in his remote classes were often slumped over in their beds or working from their family’s crowded kitchen table instead of sitting at a desk, which made him very worried. As a woodworking hobbyist, Nate has a work shed in his garage, so he bought some materials for basic wooden desks with his own money and got to work. “It’s for kids who have absolutely nothing, to kids who have everything they’ve wanted but don’t have this space because it wasn’t available,” Nate said. “Somebody had to provide it and I thought, ‘Why not me?’”

奇速英语时文阅读高二:学生上网课无课桌 老师亲手制作无偿相送



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