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更新时间:2022-08-27浏览:评论: 条

男子从火车轨道上救出陌生人 意外收到新车
Anthony Perry, 20, is being praised as a hero for jumping into action to save someone who fell off a platform(站台) onto train tracks(轨道). The man was unconscious. He was in a state similar to sleep at that time. “The guy didn’t have control of his body so I decided to help him at once,” Perry said.
     With the help of another person, Perry performed CPR(心肺复苏) as he waited for medical workers to arrive. The man who fell off the platform onto train tracks was taken to the hospital and is expected to continue to live.
1 . The underlined word “unconscious” probably means _______.
A     crying for help
B     trying to sleep
C     being shaking painfully
D     being unable to use senses
2 . What did Perry do for the man on the tracks?
A     He gave him CPR right away.
B     He took him to the hospital.
C     He asked another man for help.
D     He called medical workers.


