新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus/2019-nCoV
基因序列 genetic sequence
病原体 pathogen
宿主 host
中间宿主 intermediary / transmitting host
动物源 zoonotic origin
哺乳动物 mammal
菊头蝠 horseshoe bat
竹鼠 bamboo rat
獾 badger
果子狸 masked palm civet
活体农贸市场 live animal market
潜伏期 incubation period
易感 susceptible / vulnerable
传染性 transmissibility
致病性 pathogenicity
发病率 morbidity
死亡率 mortality
致死性 lethality
基本传染数(R0) basic reproduction number (R naught)
病毒性肺炎 viral pneumonia
出现症状 symptom onset / develop symptoms / present symptoms
临床表现 clinical signs
气短 shortness of breath
乏力 fatigue
干咳 dry cough
呼吸困难 difficulty in breathing
呼吸窘迫 respiratory distress
鼻塞 nasal congestion
打喷嚏 sneeze
流涕 runny nose
咽痛 sore throat
腹泻 diarrhea
胸闷 chest distress
肌肉/关节痛 muscle/joint pain
白细胞减少 low white blood cell count
双肺浸润 bilateral lung infiltrates
低氧血症 hypoxemia
结膜炎 conjunctivitis
无症状感染 asymptomatic infection
爆发 outbreak
流行病 epidemic
控制疫情蔓延 contain / curb the spread of the virus
轻中重危症 mild, moderate, severe and critical cases
确诊病例 confirmed case
疑似病例 suspected case
散在病例 sporadic case
输入型病例 imported case
二代病例 second-generation case
假阳性 false positive
排除 rule out
密切接触者 close contact
人际传播 human-to-human transmission
飞沫传播 droplet transmission
阻断传播途径 cut off transmission
基础性疾病 underlying medical conditions
超级传播者 super spreader
个人防护设备 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
防护服 protective suit
面罩 protective screen
口罩 mask
外科口罩 surgical mask
护目镜 goggles
消毒剂 disinfectant
含有酒精的洗手液 alcohol-based hand rub/sanitizer
用纸巾或屈肘遮住口鼻 cover mouth and nose with tissue or flexed elbow
(肉和蛋等)彻底煮熟 thoroughly cooked
防控 provention and control
level 1 public health emergency response
发热门诊 fever clinic
核酸检测 nucleic acid testing (NAT)
住院 hospitalize
进行医学观察 be placed under medical observation
隔离治疗 receive treatment in isolation
居家自我隔离 self-quarantine at home
集中隔离 centralized quarantine
流行病学调查 epidemiological investigation
筛查 screening
健康状况信息登记表 health declaration form
封城 lockdown
停运省际客运 suspend inter-province coach service
免费退票 full refund without surcharges
延长假期 extension of holiday
延迟开学 prolong winter break / delay spring semester
旅行警告 travel warning
包机撤侨 chartered evacuation flight
International Health Regulation (IHR)
Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)
扫码领取 同步微课及单元检测

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