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更新时间:2021-01-06浏览:评论: 条



姓名:___________ 总分:50分 用时:_________ 得分:_________


1. --- Do you know the Indian girl Malala?

--- Of course, her__________makes the whole world shocked and she becomes the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

A. advantage B.progress C. achievement D. attention

2. ---Some people now think there is no need to wear masks when going out.

---We can't be_______careful. __________________.

A. so; Many hands make light work B. too; Actions speak louder than words

C. too; Prevention is better than cure D. very; Don't put all your eggs in one basket

3. __________my father__________my mother is able to drive a car.They often drive me to school.

A. Neither; nor B.Both; and C. Either; or D. Not only; but also

4. ---The exam_______to be harder than we thought.

---You should practise more before the exam. Remember, practice makes perfect.

A. turned out B. found out C. carried out D. put out

5. ---When shall we go to watch the basketball match in the sports centre?

---_________ the work _________ tomorrow.

A. Until; will be finished B. Until ; has finished

C. Not until ; will finish D. Not until ; is finished

6. ---_________great loss it is for us to lose Audrey Hepburn!

--- Yes. As a great actress, she once won ___________Oscar for Best Actress.

A.What; an B. What a; the C. How; /; a D. How a; an

7. --- Who was calling you on the phone just mow? ---_______ was my aunt.

A. She B. That C. It D. This

8. Doctors all over the world are still trying their best to _______ ways to treat COVID-19.

A.get on with B. look forward to C. come up with D. pay attention to

9. ---Which man is your Maths teacher? ---_______________________.

A. The man is in a black coat B. The man wears a black coat

C. The man in a black coat D. The man is wearing a black coat

10. ---Hi, Daniel! Anything new in today's newspaper?

---Yeah, a young man was______ and badly hurt, the suspect is still wanted.

A. attracted B. arrested C. attacked D. avoided

11.--- __________ is it from the place where she lives to the Central park?

--- About two hours' bus ride.

A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How far

12. ---We have never been to America. What about Jeff?

--- __________. He hopes to visit it some day.

A. So does he B. Neither does he C. So has he D. Neither has he

13. You need not only talent but also hard work to become a ________basketball player.

A. modest B. successful C. energetic D. organized

14. ---There will be a speech about Chinese culture this evening. But I am wondering _______ .

---By No.10 bus. It's a fifty minutes' ride from here.

A. where it will be held B. how I can go there

C. how long it takes to get there by bus D. how far it is from here

15. He made up his mind to devote his life _______ pollution _______happily.

A. to prevent; to live B. to prevent; from living

C. to preventing; to live D. to preventing; from living


1. The _____________ (决定) you have made don't seem so good. You need to think twice.

2. The news programme gave an _____________ (最新的) report of the accident.

3. Shanghai Science and ____________ (技术) Museum is a perfect place for children to visit.

4. We are considering ______________(取消) the meeting this Friday because of the snowstorm.

5. The plane _____________ (kept; stayed) on the ground because of the bad weather yesterday.

6. I'm strongly ____________ smoking because it may cause cancer. So give up smoking!

7. Our parents hope to provide a more comfortable and ___________ (having a lot of money) life for us.

8. The White House _____________ (或许,大概) won't make the plan public until next month.

9. There are so many large parks and open spaces in _____________ (center) London.

10. Antoine Griezmann was _____________ (present) with the Golden Boot Prize in 2016 Euro Cup.


46. Show the tickets to the waiter, and you ___________(lead) to your seats.

47. You needn't worry since you __________ (get) quite a few offers from different universities.

48. The wounded man that all the doctors had given up ___________(come)back to life at last.

49. You can never imagine what great difficulty I had ________ (find) your house the other day!

50. I haven't decided which city to go to ___________ (spend) my summer holiday.

51. Before you hand in the paper, make sure you ___________( not miss) any important points.



We ______________________ the education problems of children left behind in village in recent years.


Several years later, her life changed greatly. She _________________________________others.


You won't realize __________________________________ you have watched the documentary.


The American couple____________________Turtle Head Isle since they visited it for the first time.


Yang Jiang ______________________the most excellent wife and the most talented female by her husband, Qian Zhongshu.


The hotel provides ____________________________that it attracts tourists from all over the world.



It's no doubt that reading is good for us. Nowadays, although e-books have become popular, some people still like to read paper books. Here are opinions from two people who love paper reading.

●Xie Yifan: Reading paper books allows us to have the feeling of happiness while turning pages. We need and value things that we can touch. When we read paper books, it's easy to take notes and write down our thoughts.

●Xu Jingxin: Compared with e-books, paper books do less harm to our eyes.

Reading paper books in a slow and careful way is good for our brain. Making paper reading a habit brings us many advantages, like reducing stress and improving our ability to give all our attention. Paper reading also increases our ability to understand others. One study discovered that persons who read a moving story on paper books were more easily moved.

Science has good news for people who read paper books. The truth is that the paper book readers have a clear advantage over others in many ways.


We all know reading is good for us. Nowadays, some people still 1 paper books to e-books. Here are ideas from two of the paper book lovers. One of them thinks reading paper books can make him when turning pages. It's easier for him to take notes while reading. The other one says reading paper books is less 3 to readers' eyes than e-reading. The ability of understanding will be 4 if the readers give all attention to paper reading. Now it's proved that reading more paper books will bring readers more 5 on reading.


How fit are your teeth? Are you lazy about brushing them? A new invention Kolibree senses how long and how well you brush, and it lets you track (监测) your performance on your phone.

The new product was presented at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. It senses how it is moved and can send the information to an Android phone or iPhone via a Bluetooth wireless connection.

The toothbrush will be able to teach you to brush in a right way and make sure you're brushing long enough. "It's kind of like having a dentist actually watch your brushing." says Thomas Serval, who invented it.

Serval says his idea came from his experience as a father. He would come home from work and ask his kids if they had brushed their teeth. They said "yes", but Serval would find their toothbrush heads dry. He decided he needed a brush that really told him how well his children brushed.

Serval says that one day, people may have a new style of brush which has a brushing unit with a camera on the handle. The camera can even examine holes in your teeth while you brush.








1.decisions 2.up-to-date 3.Technology 4.cancelling

5.remained 6.against 7.wealthier 8.probably

9.central 10.presented


1. will be led 2. have got 3. came 4. finding

5. to spend 6. don't miss


1. have paid much/ a lot of / a great deal of attention to (0.5+1)

2. was forced to/had to depend on/upon (1+0.5)

3. how many problems these poor children are facing until/ till (1+0.5)

4. have been in love with (0.5+1)

5. was considered/regarded/thought of/taken as/ to be/ (1+0.5)

6. such a high level /quality of service/such a service of high quality/level (0.5+1)


A:prefer happy harmful increased advantages

B:Inventor sends properly decision possible






寒假是提分黄金期,请相信孩子“寒假英语弯道一步领先,步步超前!”不能让孩子输在起跑线上 。






奇速英语国际精英特训营(成功举办20期),由中小学英语教育专家蔡章兵教授创办,作为中小学英语教育专家、硕士生导师、连续三年CCTV全国中小学生英语电视大赛评委团副主席、教育界杂志执行主编,已有出版英语图书300余本,专注中学英语教学二十余年,在英语教学和培训方面造诣匪浅,国培 & 省培主讲专家,四川师大英语学科硕士生导师,高考新题型研讨会主讲专家,中国西部地区外语教育研究会理事,蔡教授曾培养出了8位CCTV全国中小学生英语电视大赛总冠军,60多位北大清华高考状元。奇速英语国际精英特训营(冬夏令营)是CCTV大赛全国总冠军和中高考状元的锻造基地。




