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Unit 6 Do you like bananas?



Ⅰ. 单项选择。

1. Look! Some________ are coming to the river.

A. swimmer B. teacher C. swimmers D. child

2. He likes hamburgers, but he________ French fries.

A. don't like B. likes

C. doesn't like D. doesn’t likes

3. What ________ she have ________ dinner?

A. do, in B. does, for C. is, at D. can, to

4. There is some ________ on the plate.

A. tomato B. egg C. chicken D. banana

5. -Let's play volleyball this afternoon.

-It sounds .

A. well B .health

C. interesting D. interested

6. —Can we________ ping pong?

—No, ________tennis.

A. play, let’s play B. plays, let’s play

C. play, let’s to play D. plays, let’s to play

7. There is ____ orange in the bottle. You can drink them if you are thirsty(渴的).

A. many B. some C. an D. two

8. Oranges are a kind of ________.

A. vegetables B. vegetable C. fruits D. fruit

9. Let’s ______ to play _______ basketball.

A. go; / B. go; the C. go; a D. goes; /

10. She watches sports________ TV every day.

A. in B. on C. under D. at

11. _____your mother _____ eating bananas?

A. Does; likes B. Does; like   

C. Do; likes    D. Do; like

12. -What does your mother have for dinner?

-She ________ some rice and vegetables for dinner.

A. have B. had C. has D. having

13. My father likes _____ basketball very much, but he doesn’t like ____ it today.

A. playing; to play   B. to play; playing  

C. playing; playing  D. to play; to play

14. Broccoli and carrots are _________.

A. fruits B. fruit C. vegetables D. vegetable

15. What ________ your brother ________breakfast?

A. does; have B. does; have for

C. does; has    D. does; has for


Ⅱ. 完形填空。

My brother 1 a middle school student. 2 name is Li Bin. He is in 3 , No. 14 Middle School. There are 4 girls and thirty boys in his class.

They have four 5 in the morning, and three 6 . They study Chinese, Maths, English and other lessons. Li Bin is 7 at Chinese. But he isn’t good at English.

They 8 like English. And they like 9 English teacher, too. They read and write English every day. I think they 10 study it well.

1.A.is B.am C.are D.be

2.A.She B.Her C.He D.His

3.A.Grade 2, Class 2

B.Class and Grade 2

C.2 Class, 2 Grade

D.Class 2, Grade 2

4.A.twelve-eight B.twenty-eight

C. twenty eight D.eight twenty

5.A.class B.a lesson C.classes D.lesson

6.A.in the morning

B.in the afternoon

C.at morning

D.at afternoon

7.A.well B.fine C.nice D.good

8.A.look B.don’t C.all D.can

9.A.they B.their C.them D.theirs

10.A.can B.can’t C.are D.don’t


III. 阅读理解。


  Jack is my good friend. We are in the same school and we are in the same class, too. He is 12 years old, one year younger than I. His parents are both teachers in the middle school.

  Jack is a good student. In school, he studies very hard. His English is very good. He often helps other students with their English. Our teacher likes him and we all like him, too. After school, we play sports, play soccer and basketball, sometimes.

  Every day, he gets up early in the morning. He reads English for 30 minutes. Then we go to school together by bike. In the evening, he does his homework at home. He doesn’t like to watch TV, but he often watch soccer games on TV. On Sundays he goes out with his parents in his father’s car. They play in the park and do sports there, too. My father takes me to the park on Sundays, too. Sometimes we meet each other, and then we play sports and games there together. We are very happy together!

1. Jack is 12 years old, and I am _______ years old.

A. 12 B. 11 C. 13 D. 10

2. Jack often _______ at school.

A. studies English 

B. plays soccer 

C. does his homework  

D. helps other students

3. How does Jack go to school every day?

A. By bike   

B. In his father’s car  

C. By bus  

D. We don’t know.

4. Jack likes _______ at home.

A. do his homework  

B. watch TV  

C. do sports 

D. watch soccer games on TV

5. What does Jack do on Sunday?

A. He studies at home      

B. He plays with his parents in the park

C. He plays sports with me    

D. He goes out for a walk in his father’s car.



 I live in Renmin Street. There is a school and a hospital in the street. At the end of the street, there is a factory. There are a lot of stores on both sides (边) of the street. We can buy many things in the store.. I like fruit, so I often go to the fruit shop. There are different kinds of fruit there: apples, oranges, bananas and so on. My mother often goes to the bakery (面包店) greengrocery (蔬菜店) and clothing store. My father likes to go to the bookstore. I often go there, too. I can get many good books there.


6. There is _______ at the end of the street.

A. a school B. a factory

C. a hospital    D. a bookstore

7. There are ______in the street.

A. many stores B. some clothing stores

C. a bakery    D. a greengrocery

8. _______ like(s) to buy fruit.

A. My father B. My mother C. I D. Jack

9. My mother likes to go to the _________.

A. clothing store B. bookstore C. fruit store D. school

10. My father and I buy different kinds of books in the ________.

A. clothing store B. bookstore C. fruit store D. greengrocery


Ⅳ. 书面表达。

请以My Three Meals为题写一篇短文,介绍一下你的一日三餐。







Ⅰ. 单项选择

1. C。本句子是考查动词后缀-er构成名词的用法。从本句子的谓语动词“are coming”可以判断主语是复数形式,故本题选C。

2. C。由“but”可知后面的句子是否定含义,故排除B项;主语是第三人称单数,因此应该用“does”否定,故排除A项;用助动词否定时,谓语动词要还原为原形,故选C。

3. B。因主语是三单,谓语动词是行为动词,因此用“does”提问;“have...for dinner”,意为“晚餐吃……”, 故本题选B。

4. C。“some”后应该接可数名词的复数或者不可数名词,A, B, D 均为可数名词,但都是单数,故排除。“chicken”是不可数名词,因此选C。

5. C。句意为:“听起来很有趣。”;故A, B不合题意。表示事物本身很有趣用interesting。

6. A。情态动词后跟动词的原形,“let’s”后面也跟动词原形,故本题选A。

7. B。从句子的语境“in the bottle”和“you can drink some”可以判断本句中“orange”是不可数名词,表示“橘子汁”的意思;因此排除C,D项。many意为“许多”,用来修饰可数名词复数,故排除A项;因此本题选B。

8. D。橘子是一种水果。

9. A。“Let’s”后跟动词原形,“play”后跟球类运动时不加冠词。

10. B。“on”可以表示通过某种方式。

11. B。本句子是考查动词“like”的一般疑问句的用法。本句子的主语是第三人称单数形式“your mother”,所以一般疑问句用助动词“does”,后面的动词用原形“like”。所以选择B。

12. C。本句子是考查动词短语“have/has something for dinner”的用法,表示“某人晚饭吃一些什么东西”的意思。由上文的问句可知,下文应该用一般现在时,本句子的主语是第三人称单数形式,所以谓语动词用has,而不用have。

13. A。在动词“like”的后面用动名词表示“经常、习惯的喜欢和爱好”;用动词不定式表示“某一次具体的喜欢和爱好”。

14. C。句子提供两个名词都是蔬菜,vegetable是可数名词。

15. B。句子的主语是第三人称单数形式,构成疑问句用助动词does,助动词的后面用动词原形。同时“have something for breakfast”是固定搭配,所以不能忘介词for。

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

1.A。“my brother”是单数名词,单数名词作主语时谓语用第三人称单数。


3.D。“in Class 2,Grade 2”表示“二年级二班”。表示几年级几班应该是班在前,年级在后,并且班和年级的第一个字母要大写。


5.C。“have four classes”是“上四节课”的意思。

6.B。前文是早上的课,此处应该是下午的课;“在下午”应该是“in the afternoon”。

7.D。“be good at”意为“擅长于……” 。



10. A。情态动词“can”意为“能够”。

III. 阅读理解。

1. C。从句子“He is 12 years old, one year younger than I.”可知答案是C。
2. D。从句子“He often helps other students with their English.”可以判断答案是D。
3. A。从句子“Then we go to school together(一起) by bike.”中可以找到问题的答案是A。
4. D。从“He doesn’t like to watch TV, but he often watch soccer games on TV.”中可以找到答案。
5. B。从短文中的句子“On Sundays he goes out with his parents in his father’s car.They play in the park and do sports there, too.”可以找到问题的答案。

6. B。从短文的第三个句子“At the end of the street, there is a factory (工厂).”中可以找到答案。
7. A。从短文的第四个句子“There are a lot of stores on both sides (边) of the street.”中可以找到答案。
8. C。从句子“I like fruit, so I often go to the fruit shop.”中可以找到答案。
9. A。从句子“My mother often goes to the bakery (面包店) greengrocery (蔬菜店) and clothing store (服装店).”可以判断答案是A。
10. B。从短文的最后的句子和单词there可以判断there是指bookstore。

Ⅳ. 书面表达。

My three meals

I have lots of healthy food every day. Every morning, I have milk and two eggs for breakfast. I have lunch at school. For lunch, I have hamburgers, Coke and French fries. Dinner is a big meal for me. I often have salad, chicken, lots of carrots and broccoli. And I have some dessert. I eat well and I play sports every day. So I am very healthy.





