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更新时间:2024-10-26浏览:评论: 条







He Jing is 36 years old. She comes from Xi’an, Shaanxi province. On October 9, 2024, she got to the highest point of Mount Shishapangma (8,027 meters high), thus becoming the first person from China and the third woman in the world to climb all 14 of the world’s peaks over 8,000 meters without using supplemental (补充性的) oxygen.


He didn’t start climbing mountains as a sport until she was 18. Her first climb, in 2006, was in the Qinling Mountains. That made her become interested in the sport. In 2012, He climbed her first mountain over 5,000 meters — Mount Siguniang in Sichuan province. From that time on, He has been trying to climb high mountains. She reached the top of her first 8,000-meter peak, Mount Cho Oyu, in 2016, using just one bottle of oxygen. Realizing she could handle the extreme altitude, she decided to try future climbs without oxygen.


Climbing without oxygen is very dangerous because of the thin atmosphere at high altitudes. To get ready, He trained hard, running at least five times a week, and climbing 200 flights of stairs with a 20-kilogram pack three times a week.


On September 25, 2017, He made it to the highest point of Mount Manaslu in Nepal without supplemental oxygen. Then, on May 14, 2022, she was the first woman from China to get to the top of Mount Qomolangma from the south side without using bottled oxygen.


“I didn’t set many specific goals for myself,” He said. “I enjoy both the climbing process and the view from the summit (山顶).”








