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名词部分【考点1】单复数特殊变化 man---men, woman---women, foot-feet, tooth—teeth, goose-geese, child--children单复数同形people, sheep, deer,Chinese, Japanese(注意:Americans,Germans)【考点2】复合词组:women(变) bus lines(只变最后一词)动词部分【考点1】时态1)从句与主句时态一致He said he had been there for an hour.He said the sun is bigger than the moon. (自然规律自然现象用一般现在时态)He said the moon is running around the earth.(错误,应改为一般现在时态)2)时态变异(必考):A——瞬间动词的-ing形式表将来The plane is taking off in an hour.The old man is dying.(将要死了)B——条件状语从句:一般现在时表将来I don't know if he will come tomorrow. If he comes, I will call you.I will ring you as soon as I finish my work.I won’t go out until my homework is done.
【考点2】主谓一致:谓语动词跟着主语发生变化1)第三人称单数现象(集体名词做主语)Our class are playing football now (与人有关的动作)Our class is a small one (整体)2)就近一致原则:There be 句型Either orNeither...nor...,not only...but also..Not only they but also I am wrong.
【考点3】非谓语to do——动作未做,准备做 doing——动作正在做或已做-ed形式——后一动作被动发生特例:* 使、让(make,let, have)主动不带to,被动带tomake sb. do /make sb not do/be made to dolet sb. do【出处:】* The teacher asked the students to stop talking and to listen to her.原创作品* I have my car repaired.(我请人修理了我的车。车被人修)I have repaired my car. (我修理了我的车。现在完成时态)I have him repair my car.(我让他修我的车。Have sb do sth)
【考点4】介词to后接—ing形式的短语prefer doing to doing—prefer to doprefer to do rather than dolike ... better than...preferbe used to doing (习惯于...)used to do (过去通常) be used to do (被用来做...)look forward to doing 盼望 I don't have lunch at home. Neither do you.(前后主语不一样,Neither do you主谓倒装)I have been here an hour. So have you.(前后主语不一样,Neither do you主谓倒装)A —I bought a new book ,Tom. B —So you did.(I和you 指同一个人,主谓不倒装)
【考点5】后接形容词的动词be 动词感官动词:look taste smell feel sound使和让:make let 变与不变:get go change turn keep remainHe looks tired.The food tastes nice so it sells well.
【考点6】其他重要短语人花费:spend... (in) doing sthspend on sthpay... for...物花费:It takes... to docost价值四“说”:speak in English,say it in English, say a wordtell a story,talk about sth., talk with sb., talk to sb.

例1. I together with my classmates _____ going to climb Mount Tai tomorrow.
A. is B. am C. are D. were
解析:together with 连接并列主语时,谓语动词应与前面的主语I保持一致。因此,正确答案是B。常用的这类连词还有with, except, but, besides, as well as, along with, including, rather than 等。
例2. ____ we felt tired, ____ we were happy.
A. Though; but B. If ; but C. Though; /
解析:句意:虽然我们感觉很疲劳,但是我们很高兴。在英语里though 与but 不能同时使用。因此,正确答案是C。此外,在书面表达中,同学们也要注意 because和so; although/though/even though 和but 不要同时出现在一个句子里。

例3. I'm not sure. The young lady over there _____ our new English teacher.
A. may B. maybe C. may be D. is
解析:maybe和may be 的中文意思都是也许,但maybe是副词,may be 是情态动词+动词原形的形式,这个句子缺少的是谓语动词,因此正确答案为C。但是很多同学由于混淆了maybe和may be 的词性,误选了B。
例4. -Maggie,I really love your handwriting.
- ______.
A. I practice every day. B. Thank you very much.
C. No,I don't think so. D. Well, it's not good enough.
例5. 我也能唱英语歌曲。
误:I also can sing English songs.
正:I can also sing English songs.
解析:这是典型的副词位置错误,如果按照汉语意思(我也能唱英语歌曲)的顺序翻译,also 就放到了can之前,而在英语里also作为副词其位置应在情态动词can之后;实义动词sing之前。

例6. China is larger than______ in Africa.
A. any countries B. any country
C. any other country D. all the countries
解析:大家经常会练习比较级的题,受到惯性思维的影响很容易将此题误选为C。若是仔细审题,不难发现是中国和非洲的国家相比,由于中国不是非洲国家,自然不用other将自己排除,只用any country 即可。因此,正确答案是B。

英语基础知识主要包括单词、短语、语法等知识。历年中考试卷中完成句子和书面表达单词拼写错误占了一定的比例,说明学生英语词汇的记忆准确熟练程度不够。从记忆单词到笔头运用还需要一个过程,这个过程是一个吸收理解记忆反复运用的慢工夫。常易拼错的单词有:true(误:ture);believe(误:belive) proud(误:pround); through,thought 和though 三个词的混用等。其次,对于重点句型、时态、语态等重点语言现象要反复操练.







