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更新时间:2022-06-09浏览:评论: 条

1.  M:Jenny, you can just drop me here.
W:But we are two streets away from the office.
    M: It’s fine. I had a big breakfast and feel like a bit of walk.
2.  W:Hello, George, you look tired. Didn’t sleep well last night ?
M:No, not at all! I had to work flat out (不得不拼命工作)to meet the project deadline.Now I’m really feeling a bit run-down.
3.  W:John, can we go some place and talk? It’s so noisy in here(用于指环境).
M:Well, there is a small park across the street. It’s usually not crowded at this time of day.
4.  W:We’ve got to do something about the neighbor's dog.
M:Why ? Has he been into your flower garden again?
W: The flower garden ,the garbage can and yesterday, he started digging holes in the yard.
5.  M:Hello ! We have a reservation in the name of Mr. Jones. Is there any table by the window?      
W:Sorry! We’ve got this corner table for you. It’s quiet here, not close to the door.

第一期:7月17号——7月24号 第二期:7月31号——8月7号
第一期:7月24号——7月31号 第二期:8月7号——8月14号

6.  W:Dave, don’t forget we are invited out to dinner tonight!
M:Oh, yeah. I almost forgot .What time ?
W:Seven thirty. We should leave the house by six thirty.You know how bad the traffic is that time of night .
M:It’s informal ,isn’t it?
W:Yeah. you can wear your new sports jacket,the one I got you as an anniversary gift.
M:Okay, well! I forgot to go. I’ll try to get home a little earlier today
7.  M:We need to decide exactly when were going to move.Any suggestions?
W:I think July would be the best time. Our sales are always down that month.We could move all the office equipment at the weekend. Do everything at once .
M:I think the weekend’s too short. Maybe we should do it department by department.
W:What do you mean?
M:Well, each week a different department would move.That way, there would always be
people here to handle customer increase, phone calls and so on.
W:En,that’s a good idea.
8. W:So, Mr. Peter Cells. I’d be curious to know what were the early connections in your life that   
lead you into the art field.
M:My grandfather was an art dealer in Munich. They had a great museum in Munich. he took me to the museum and I responded very strongly to what I saw on the walls there.I learned about art from him.I learned about looking at art from him. I think that’s what really got me started.Then, many years later, after I got out of the army, I went to study art history at the University of Chicago.
W:Tell us more about your experiences of looking at arts with your grandfather .
M: Well, we looked at the famous paintings by the great artists like Rembrand(伦勃朗) , Kirchner(不确定) and Alberto Burri . Ruber’s paintings were my favorites. Yes, I remember these things .This was when I was between ten and fifteen.When I was fourteen, I was so anxious to see more art that a friend of mine and I bicycled across the alps to see Venice .That, was a big adventure.
9: W:Hi, John, haven’t seen you for ages!
  M:Hi, Susan. Fancy meeting you here on the train!
W: How is your college life ?
M:What can I say? I have survived!
W: What happened?
M:Well, early last march ,I started doing a part time job in a law firm.A few weeks before, I had started writing my term paper.I thought I could finish it by August.
W:That was a pretty good idea trying to have some work experience.
M:For the first three weeks, you know, I tried.I got up early and worked for an hour on my
paper before going to work.But work was so fun .I met tons of new people and soon I could
find even a minute for my paper ,so I had to quit my part time job and finally finished my
paper in October .
W:Well, it’s never too late to mend .It’s kind of hard to find a balance between what you have to do and what you want to do.
M:Yeah, it’s really important for me to balance study and work .And I think I should learn to exercise some self-control.
10: Being an athlete is very fun, painful and exciting .Every time I come to the track, I feel like  I’m out of this place. This is Barcelona National Stadium.This is where I train.When I saw Usain Bolt(尤塞恩.博尔特) running in the 2012 London Olympics, I was amazed .Just watching him run got me motivated. I quitted being a chess player and started to run.I went to the 2016 Olympics and went to the finals at the age of eighteen, and wow I finished fifth. It was a dream come true to me. But I still wanted more.The training is super hard,but the hardest part for me is that I got an injury,the Injury which may take me out for years.For a period of time, as a young athlete, I did not know what to do. I lost focus .But now I’m back on the track. I really want to be there at the Olympics and do what I did before, do much, much greater .I don’t care about the gold .I don’t care about the silver. I want to do my best. You know, take everything and show it to the world.
