other,the other,another,others和the others的用法很多同学分不清楚,今天给大家总结这几个词的用法并附练习题。认真看完,你一定有所收获。
特指两个或两部分中的另一个或另一部分,可接单数或者复数名词,表示两个中“一个……另一个……”,常用结构式为:one...the other...
1.He has two brothers,one is a teacher, the other is a docter.
2.There are 48 students in our class,some work hard,but the other studentsdon’t.
特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”相当于the other+名词复数,指剩余的全部。
e.g.There are 48 students in our class,some work hard,but the others don’t.
e.g.We learn chinese,English,math and other subjects.
1.Some students are doing homework,but others are talking loudly.
2.A lot of people are in the park, some are singing,others are dancing.
e.g.I don’t like this one,please show me another.
注意:another+名词单数=one more+名词单数
1.I want to have another apple.
=I want to have one more apple.
2.We need another ten chairs.
=We need ten more/other chairs.
1.--Would you like to have______ cake?
2.We have two foreign teachers here,one is from England,and ____ is fromAmerica.
3.We can't do it that way--but whether it will work is ____ matter.
4.Don't be afraid of making mistakes because it is simply ___ way of learning.
5.There is a chess club in our school.It has six girls and ___ are boys.

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