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高一高二高三听力模拟试题 2

更新时间:2020-04-30浏览:评论: 条



1. What does the man ask for? 

A. Iced tea.   

B. Iced coffee.    

C. Cold soda.

2. What is the woman doing? 

A. Trying on dresses.   

B. Paying for a dress.   

C. Drawing a picture.

3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?   

A. A team.   

B.  A game.    

C. A party. 

4. Why does the woman walk to the office? 

A. To save money.   

B. To take exercise.   

C. To beat the traffic.

5. Where does the conversation take place? 

A. In the hotel.    

B. In the hospital.      

C. In the restaurant.



听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。



6. What is the party for? 

A. A birthday.   

B. A graduation.   

C. A wedding.

7. Where does the man’s cousin live now? 

A. In Houston.    

B. In New York.   

C. In Dallas.



8. What’s the weather like now? 

A. Rainy.  

B. Cloudy.    

C. Warm.

9. What do we know about the woman?  

A. She gets sunburned easily.    

B. She never puts on sun cream.  

C. She likes Chinese umbrellas.



10. How will the speakers travel? 

A. By plane.  

B. By ship.   

C. By train.

11. What does the man say about the last trip?

A. The schedule was tight.   

B. It took them much time.   

C. It gave them a surprise.

12. What will the speakers do tomorrow morning?

A. Visit Joseph.    

B. Go to the bank.  

C. Buy tickets.



13. Where are the speakers?   

A. In the woman’s.   

B. In the street.   

C. In the restaurant.

14. What is the problem of the woman’s neighborhood?  

A. Teenagers draw pictures on the buildings.

B. People around aren’t friendly.

C. The police aren’t on duty at night.

15. What does the woman think inconvenient? 

A. Parking.  

B. Eating.       

C. Shopping. 

16. What do we know about the man’s neighborhood? 

A. It’s quiet at night.    

B. It’s dirty.  

C. It’s near a school. 



17. What floor did the fire destroy?  

A. The first floor.  

B. The second floor.  

C. The third floor.

18. When was the building built? 

A. In 1718. 

B. In 1782.   

C. In 1930.

19. What was the building used as at the time of the fire? 

A. A hotel.     

B. A history museum.  

C. An old people’s home.

20. What probably caused the fire?  

A. A burning cigarette.   

B. The lightning.     

C. Old electric wires.  



Text 1 点饮料

M: Can you order a coffee for me?

W: It’s such a hot day. Wouldn’t you rather have a cold soda or iced tea?

M: No. But they have iced coffee here. I’d love that.

Text 2 买衣服  

M: You look great in this black dress. You really should take it.

W: Thanks, but I’d rather try on some more colors. Black isn’t my favorite color.

Text 3 收到邀请  

W: I hope you can come to the party on Saturday.

M: I didn’t know I was invited.

W: Sure you are! Everyone on the winning team was invited.

Text 4 步行上班  

M: Hi, Susan. I heard that you walk all the way to the office these days?

W: Yes. That’s the type of exercise I enjoy very much. Also I found a short cut yesterday.

Text 5 住院手续 

M: Can you bill me later?

W: I’m sorry, I can’t. You’re a new patient, so the fee for the first examination is due now. You can pay in cash, by credit card or by cheque.

M: Well, OK then.

Text 6 毕业聚会  

W: Are you having a party?

M: Yes. I am throwing a party for my cousin Sheila.

W: That sounds fun! Is it her birthday?

M: No. She’s graduating from nursing school. The family is very proud of her.

W: That’s wonderful. Does she live here in Houston?

M: No, she lives in Dallas. But she will be moving to New York next year, after she gets married.

Text 7 撑伞 

M: Why do you have an umbrella with you? It’s not supposed to rain today, is it?

W: No, but it’s supposed to be very hot. I’ll use this umbrella to protect myself from the sun, as soon as these clouds go away.

M: I’ve never heard of using an umbrella for protecting from the sun.

W: Did you know that the Chinese invented the umbrella, and that its first use was for protection against the sun, not the rain?

M: I had no idea! You must get sunburned easily, huh?

W: Oh, absolutely! I always get super red if I haven’t put on sun cream.

Text 8 西班牙之旅  

W: Have you booked the airplane tickets to Spain yet?

M: Well, I thought we should go traveling by ship for a change, so I booked two ship tickets instead. I know you don’t like traveling by train.

W: You should have told me or discussed it with me.

M: I wanted to give you a surprise.

W: But it takes much more time to travel by ship than by plane.

M: We have time, don’t we? Remember last time we went on a trip by air, we had a very tight schedule. This time will be different.

W: You’re right. Have you bought traveler’s cheques yet?

M: Not yet. We can go to the bank tomorrow.

W: But Joseph is coming tomorrow.

M: He’ll be here around 5:00 p.m. or so. We can go to the bank in the morning.

Text 9 小区环境   

W: Hey, Mike. Over here!

M: Hi! It’s great to see you. Been waiting long?

W: No, not at all. What do you want to have?

M: Just a salad. So, how is the new apartment working out?

W: Good. I like it. The neighborhood, though, is...well, some of the buildings down the street are covered with terrible pictures drawn by teenagers.

M: I know what you mean. I think we need to report people who are drawing to the police.

W: Yes. And I like all the stores. It’s convenient for shopping and it’s pretty quiet at night. 

M: Sounds like you’re pretty satisfied.

W: Yeah, I guess so. Uh, the only problem is that it is impossible to find parking. I have to drive around the block six or seven times to find a space. 

M: Well, is there any way you can rent space in a garage?

W: Yeah, that’s a good idea. So, how are things in your neighborhood?

M: There is a bit of noise problem where I live. I live right down the street from a school. The bell rings every morning at 7:30, it is impossible to sleep in. 

Text 10 新闻

M: Now, back to the news! An early morning fire damaged the historic Geller House today. It destroyed the third floor of the building, but firefighters saved the first and second floors. There were only a few elderly people living in the building. And they were carried out to safety, so no one was hurt. The Geller House was built in 1718 and was used as a hotel for over 150 years. George Washington stayed here in 1782. The Geller family owned the building until the 1930s. Then they sold it to the Mills family. Five years ago, it was made into a building for the old. All the electric wires in the building were checked and most of them were changed then. Several fire departments were called to the scene. When we asked Fire Chief Andrew Barnes how the fire started, he answered that a burning cigarette most likely caused it.





高二听力模拟试题 065


上期答案:1—5 CBBCA   6—10 BAACB     11—15 CAABB      16—20 ACCAB

红东方英语 高二夯基听力 065来自红东方英语15:40



1. What will the man probably do next?

A. Watch TV.

B. Do his homework.

C. Go out for dinner.

2. Where did the man get the calendar?

A. From online shopping.  

B. From the finance department. 

C. From Mr. Denison.

3. What does the woman offer to do?

A. Lend her car to the man.

B. Wait for the bus with the man.

C. Give the man a lift.

4. What is the woman doing now?

A. Doing some typing. 

B. Having an interview. 

C. Doing some shopping.

5. Why is the woman upset?

A. She can’t move into the new office.

B. Her project is far behind schedule.

C. There is too much noise.



听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。



6. What does the woman think of the article?

A. She only agrees to parts of it.

B. She totally agrees to it.

C. She thinks it’s just so-so.

7. What does the woman like most about Bossa Nova?

A. The food.  

B. The atmosphere.   

C. The service.



8. What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Doctor and patient. 

B. Boss and clerk.

C. Husband and wife.

9. What did the woman do with the man’s trouble?

A. She prepared some hot water for him.

B. She told him to go to bed.

C. She telephoned the doctor immediately.



10. Why did the woman feel amazed about her trip?

A. She saw many places she never visited before.

B. She was accompanied by her friend.

C. She has been away from home for 20 years.

11. What impressed the woman most?

A. Watching an opera.

B. Visiting the biggest park.

C. Swimming in the lake.

12. How does the woman’s friend feel about this trip?

A. Satisfied.

B. Disappointed.

C. Tired.



13. What was the woman doing just now?

A. Going through a book.

B. Reading the newspaper.

C. Talking to the Lost and Found.

14. When did the woman lose her book?

A. This noon.   

B. This morning.  

C. Last week.

15. Where did the woman lose her book?

A. In a newspaper stand.

B. In her office. 

C. In a restaurant.

16. What’s the woman advised to do?

A. Finish the work first.

B. Look for the book together.

C. Buy a new book.



17. What time should parents pick up their kids at the latest on Thursday?

A. 11:30 a.m.     

B. 12:30 p.m.

C. 1:00 p.m.     

18. What’s the information in the school email?

A. Supplies for next school year.

B. The items in the Lost and Found.

C. The arrangement of the first day of school.

19. What does the community charity do?

A. Help people in need.

B. Find lost things.

C. Donate things to the school.

20. Who will get a call the night before school starts?

A. New students.     

B. All the students.     

C. Returning students.



Text 1 活动

W: I don’t feel like going out. Why don’t we just stay home and watch TV instead?

M: Come on, Mom! You promised to take me out for dinner.

W: OK. But homework goes before dinner, you know.

Text 2 网上订购

W: Where did you get this calendar, Ricky?

M: I ordered it online. I’m sure if you ask Mr. Denison in the finance department, he’ll order one for you, too.

Text 3 提供帮助

W: Why not wait here a few minutes since it’s raining? I’ll go get my car.

M: No, thank you. Here comes the bus! It stops right at my apartment. I won’t get caught in the rain.

Text 4 面试

M: Can you type?

W: Yeah, about 70 words a minute.

M: That’s great. Then I’ll pay you $15 an hour.

W: I can’t work for less than $17.

Text 5 建筑施工

M: When will the construction of the new office be completed? The project is behind schedule. We can’t move into the new office this year.

W: I’m upset about all the noise from the construction. It’s hard to get my work done.

Text 6 餐厅

M: Did you see the review in the paper about Bossa Nova? It says it has great Brazilian food.

W: I read the article, but I’m not sure if I totally agree with it. I had dinner there with my mother last weekend. The food was great, but the atmosphere was what really made the place special.

M: Really? What about the service? The review said it was just so-so.

W: Yes, the service wasn’t great, but the affordable prices and comfortable surroundings made up for it.

Text 7 请病假

W: Shall I phone and tell your boss you’re not coming today?

M: Yes, please, dear. Tell her I’ve got a cold and a headache. You’d better say I’m staying in bed.

W: But you’re not in bed! Do you want me to tell a lie?

M: Oh, it’s only a very little one, dear. I’m not making a false excuse. I really have a bad headache.

W: Then put the cigarette out.

M: Well, dear. You’re quite right.

W: Look, here’s some boiling water. Do as I tell you now. I’ve put something in the water, that’ll do you a lot of good. Put your nose over the water. That’s right. Breathe in deeply.

M: It smells nice.

Text 8 游览城市

M: I heard you showed a friend around your city last week. How was your time together?

W: Well, at first I was afraid it’d be boring. But it turned out to be amazing.

M: Why?

W: Though I’ve lived in this city for over 20 years, there were many places that I hadn’t visited before. I saw a part of my city I had never seen before with my friend.

M: Where did you go together?

W: We went to the zoo and the biggest park in our town and we also watched an opera together. But what impressed me most was swimming in the lake in the mountains.

M: Did your friend have a good time?

W: You bet. She said she would come again next year.

Text 9 丢书

M: Hi, Cathy. Are you busy now?

W: Hi, Jack! No, I’m just reading the newspaper.

M: What section are you looking at?

W: I’m looking at the Lost and Found ads. I lost my favorite book when I had lunch in a fast food restaurant last week. I want my book back.

M: So what happened?

W: I brought my book with me while I ate lunch. I just put it on the chair. Then I found that I was late for work, so I got up and took my phone on the table. When I reached my office I realized that I forgot the book.

M: Oh, no.

W: I went to the table later, but I couldn’t find my book.

M: Did you check the Lost and Found at the information desk?

W: Yes. No one turned it in.

M: What book was it?

W: Anne of Green Gables(《绿山墙的安妮》). My dad gave it to me for my birthday when I was 12 years old.

M: Well, you’ve done with work now. Let’s look for it again. Or I’ll buy one for you.

Text 10 放假安排

M: Dear students, please pay attention to the following things:

1. Thursday, July 15th, is the Last Day of School. Students will leave school by 11:30 a.m. Please remind your parents to pick you up no later than 12:30 p.m., and the school will be closed at 1:00 p.m.

2. In the school email, you’ll find information on all the supplies you need. It’s a convenient way to know what you should prepare for your next school year. And please make sure you have them by September 1st.

3. Please check the school Lost and Found and take the things belonging to you back home by this Friday. Anything left will be donated to your community charity to support people who need our help.

4. September 1st is the First Day of School for 2017—2018. School begins for all students at 9:00 a.m. New students will meet in front of the office. Returning students will receive a phone call the night before school starts to learn who their teacher is and what their classroom number is.



高三听力模拟试题 065


上期答案:1—5 BABBC   6—10 ACACA     11—15 BCCAC      16—20 BCBAA



1. What does the man think of the food?  

A. Too sweet.  

B. Too salty.  

C. Too sour.

2. What is the weather like?   

A. Rainy.  

B. Sunny.  

C. Windy. 

3. When should the speakers begin to do their homework?  

A. At 6:45.  

B. At 7:45.  

C. At 8:15.

4. What is the woman concerned about the glasses?  

A. The price.  

B. The color.  

C. The frame.

5. How will the speakers go back after the movie?  

A. By bus.  

B. By taxi.  

C. By tube.



听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。



6. What is the man afraid of asking Sharon to do?  

A. To play a ball game.  

B. To dance.  

C. To go to a concert.

7. What can we infer about the man in the end?  

A. He gives up inviting Sharon.

B. He needs the woman’s help. 

C. He’ll invite Sharon again.



8. What’s the percent of the students getting the Top 30 U.S. universities’ offers?  

A. About 1/3.  

B. About 1/2.  

C. Nearly 100%.

9. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?  

A. Teacher and student.  

B. Father and daughter.   

C. Husband and wife.



10. How much older is Martin than Oliver?  

A. 6 years.  

B. 20 years.  

C. 26 years.

11. What is the woman like to her younger brother?

A. A mother.  

B. A teacher.  

C. A friend.

12. To whom is the man willing to tell his recent situations?  

A. His wife and his sister.  

B. His friends and his sister.  

C. His friends and his wife.



13. What does the woman say about the man?  

A. Easy to get on with.  

B. Easy to get mad.  

C. Easy to give up.

14. Where does the man live probably?  

A. America.  

B. Britain.  

C. Canada.

15. What is the most unbearable thing to the man on the bus?  

A. People talking loudly.  

B. People not moving back.  

C. People clipping their toe nails.

16. What does the man like to do on the bus?  

A. Sleep.  

B. Read newspapers.  

C. Listen to music.



17. How many eggs do British people consume every week?  

A. About 30 million.  

B. About 210 million.  

C. About 300 million.

18. What do we know about the couple Tony and Christina Quinn?  

A. They don’t own their business anymore.

B. They started their business in Britain.

C. Their business is worth 410 million pounds.

19. Why did Ellen Warburton give up the grocery business?  

A. She loved bakery business more.

B. It’s too tiring.

C. It turned out to be a failure.

20. Which family is the richest in the three according to the list?  

A. The Warburton.  

B. The Dean.  

C. The Quinn.



Text 1 南瓜派

W: So how do you like my pumpkin pie?

M: Hmm, not bad. I bet it would taste better if you hadn’t put so much sugar in it.

Text 2 出门穿风衣

W: Don’t forget to put on your coat before you go out, Jack.

M: Sure, Mum. I don’t want to be blown away or catch a cold either.

Text 3 何时做作业

W: What time is it now, Larry?

M: It’s a quarter to seven. Don’t worry. We still have an hour to play the video game before we have to do our homework.

Text 4 塑料镜框

M: This pair of glasses looks good on your face, Miss. I strongly suggest you buy it.

W: Yeah, pink is my color, and the price is reasonable. But do you think the plastic frame is firm? 

Text 5 如何回酒店

W: Do you think the movie is too late for us? I mean, there would be no bus taking us back to the hotel after 11:00 p.m. 

M: And the subway?

W: It stops running at 10:00 p.m.

M: Don’t worry. There’re always a lot of cabs waiting for passengers around the cinema.

Text 6 不敢邀请舞伴

W: Why not ask Sharon as your dance partner for the school ball?

M: You know last time I invited her to a concert, she refused.

W: So?

M: So someone else must have asked her to the ball already. She’s so popular among the seniors. She wouldn’t pick me. 

W: Come on! Give it a go. Call her! You won’t lose anything.

M: Forget it. I’m the “once bitten, twice shy” type of guy.

Text 7 “学霸班”

W: Find anything interesting?

M: Take a look at this section! Marvelous!

W: What is it?

M: It’s said that 109 senior students at a high school in Hefei City, Anhui Province have received a total of 547 admission letters from universities in the United States.

W: Incredible! Let me see. 30% of the students received offers from the top 30 universities in the U.S., with 92% getting offers from the top 50 schools, such as Smith College, Cornell University, the University of California, Berkeley, etc. Wow…

M: How I wish our daughter were one of these awesome kids…

Text 8 手足之情

M: You’ve got two brothers in your home?

W: Yeah. My older brother Martin is 26 years old, and the younger one, Oliver, is only six years old.

M: So can I say the relationship you have with Oliver, is more like a “mother-son relationship”?

W: Well, I carry him around and change his diapers. And sometimes I am the one taking care of him. Martin and I are more like friends since we’re close in age. I can talk to him and share my experiences with him. As for Oliver, he always wants me to give him a little bit of my knowledge. So, I’d say Oliver is more like a student of mine. How about you? 

M: I have one sister, but we’re never close. You said you talk to your brother about lots of things that you’ve been up to. Well, I talk about those things to my wife or my friends instead of to my sister. It’s more like she’s my family rather than my friend.

Text 9 糟糕的公交环境

W: So Jerry, I know you’re easy to get along with, but is there anything in your daily life that can really drive you mad? 

M: Yeah. The local transit.

W: You mean the bus system in Toronto? How is that so?

M: Well, I do hate people talking on their phone loudly or clipping their toe nails on the bus. It’s so disgusting! And you know what I hate the most? — People not moving to the back of the bus so that there’s no room and people don’t get on the bus!

W: I know what you mean. All the things you said above, you would think they are common sense. But like somebody said, “common sense is not so common anymore.” 

M: Yeah. Things like that can really get under my skin. You know I have to spend more than an hour on the bus every day, and I want to spend that hour either by taking a nap or reading a novel. For me the bus situation there is something that can really make or break my day.

Text 10 生财有道

M:Among the list of this year’s UK’s richest 1,000 people by the Sunday Times, you might find three career choices which normally you wouldn’t believe that would bring you a fortune.

1. Egg farming

In the UK, people eat about 30 million eggs every day. As chairman of Noble Foods, Peter Dean has earned a 212 million pounds fortune from the family egg business, putting him at 534 on the list.

2. Pet food

Most owners are willing to spend big money for their pets.

After settling in Australia, British husband and wife Tony and Christina Quinn decided to set up their business providing pet food for all those beloved pets.

In 2015, they sold their business for 410 million AU dollars, which is about 250 million pounds today. They have been listed at number 446.

3. Bakery products

Ellen Warburton opened a grocery shop in 1870. When sales fell, she turned to baking bread.

The firm now sells 500 million pounds a year’s worth of bread and other desserts. It claims over a quarter of all bakery products eaten in the UK are produced by them.

Now the Warburton family is at 225 on the list with a 545 million pounds fortune.




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