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Unit5 Canada—“The True North”



Ⅰ. 常考单词必背


1.scenery n. 景色;风景


Sometimes they just drive slowly down the lane enjoying the scenery.



2. surround vt. &vi. 包围;围绕


Jill was sitting on the floor surrounded by boxes.




(1)be surrounded by/with... 周围环绕着……;被……包围

surround oneself with 和……在一起;与……为伍

(2)surrounding adj. (作定语)周围的;附近的

surroundings n. 周围的事物(或情况);环境


3. measure vi. &vt. 测量;衡量;判定 n. 计量制;计量单位;措施


The government has taken measures to help the unemployed to find jobs again.




take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事

take one's measure 量某人的尺寸

to one's measure 按照某人的尺寸


4.aboard prep.&adv. 在船、飞机、火车或公共汽车上


All the passengers have gone aboard the plane.



The man with broad shoulders boarded the plane to travel abroad and he only took daily necessaries aboard.




go aboard 上船/飞机/火车


5.within prep. 在……之内


Do what's within your power!




within one's reach 触手可及

within one's power 力所能及

within the limit of 在……范围内


6. mix vt.&vi. 混合;调配


I always mix him up with his brother.They look so much alike.




(1)mix...with... 把……与……混合起来

mix up 弄乱;弄错;使……充分混合

be/get mixed up with... 与……交往;与……厮混

(2)mixed adj. 混合的

mixture n. 混合(物);混合状态


7. confirm vt. 证实;证明;批准


It has been confirmed that the singer will give a performance next week.




confirm sb in sth 使某人确信某事

confirm sth/that... 证实;进一步确定……

It has been confirmed that... 已经确定……


8.terrify vt. 使恐怖;恐吓


The dog rushing out from the house terrified me.




(1)terrify sb into doing sth 威胁某人干某事

be terrified of 害怕

(2)terrifying adj. 可怕的;令人恐怖的

terrified adj. 恐惧的;受惊吓的


9.pleased adj. 欣喜的;高兴的;愉快的


We are very pleased with her decision.






10. impress vt. 使印象深刻;使铭记


We were deeply impressed with the beauty of the West Lake.




(1)impress sb with sth = impress sth on sb 给某人留下……印象

be impressed by/at/with sth 对……印象深刻

be impressed on sb/one's mind/memory 使某人印象深刻

(2)impression n. 印象

impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的;感人的


Ⅱ. 高频短语必会


1. settle down 定居;平静下来;专心于


I must settle down this morning and finish the term paper.




settle down to (doing) sth 开始认真对待某事物;定下心来做某事


2. manage to do 设法做


He managed to get a few tickets for the Olympic Games.



3. catch sight of 看见;瞥见


Catching sight of his headteacher,the boy ran away.




lose sight of 看不见,消失

out of sight 看不见

within/in sight 在视野内,看得见


4. have a gift for 对……有天赋


He has a gift for painting.




be gifted in/at 在……方面有天赋

have a talent/genius for 有……禀赋;有……方面的才能


5. in the distance 在远处


We heard gunfire in the distance.




from/at a distance 隔一段距离;从远处

at a distance of... 在……远处

keep sb at a distance 避免与某人太亲近


6.as far as 远到……;就……而言


After dinner we often walk as far as the bank of the river.




as far as I know 据我所知

as far as I can remember/see/tell... 据我所能记得的/看到的/判断……

as far as I am concerned 就我而言


Ⅲ. 写作句式必学


1.It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,some measuring over 90 metres.



2.On the way to the station,he chatted about their trip.



3.Going eastward,you'll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests,as well as wide rivers and large cities.



Ⅳ. 短文语法填空,然后背诵短文,熟记本单元的重点词汇。


A Journey across Canada

After a quiz last autumn,Kuang crossed the continent eastward to Toronto to visit his schoolmate,the distance __1__(measure) approximately 5,000 kilometers.

His train started from Vancouver,a city __2__(surround) by mountains. Afterconfirming his baggage was aboard the train,Kuang settled down in his seat.Having__3__ gift for communication,he started chatting __4__ another passenger within 5 minutes.Their __5__(topic) included the Canadian traditions,the Prime Minister,themixture of races,and the terrifying Great Fall.After a nice buffet at noon,he waspleased to find that the scenery was __6__(impress).He saw beautiful harbourin the distancewealthy urban areas __7__ maple forest that covered thousands of acres.He even managed __8__(catch) sight of an eagle flying upward over bushes.

Kuang reached Toronto which lies __9__(slight) near the border at a misty dawn.There was frost and the broad downtown streets were very quiet.Though it __10__(be) early,Kuang phoned his schoolmate in a booth nearby at once rather than waiting for him to come.They had a good time together.


答案:1. measuring 2. surrounded 3. a 4. with 5. topics 

6. impressive 7. and 8. to catch 9. slightly 10. was




Ⅰ. 单句语法填空


1.My first __impression__(impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.




2.He heard someone following him,and glanced round. He caught sight __of__ a dark figure in the shadows.


解析:句意:他听到有人在跟踪他,便向周围扫了一眼,发现阴暗处有一个黑影。catch sight of看见;瞥见,符合句意。


3.The equipment for disabled people should be __within__ easy reach in public places.


解析:考查介词短语。句意:在公共场所,残疾人使用的设施应该方便残疾人。由句意可知,填within,within easy reach在附近(距离不远)。


4.Scientists have found evidence __that__ global warming caused the world's first horses to become smaller nearly 50 million years ago.




5.—When did you get home last night?

—It was almost midnight __when__ we arrived home.


解析:考查状语从句。句意:——你们昨晚什么时候到家的?——我们到家的时候差不多是午夜了。答语中“It was almost midnight”为主句,空处引导时间状语从句,应用连词when。此题容易误填that,误把答语当作强调句型。如果是强调句型,应是:It was at midnight that we arrived home。


6.—Have you finished the report?

—Oh, sorry.It was so noisy in the office that I couldn't settle __down__ to write anything.


解析:答语句意:哦,抱歉。办公室里太吵了以至于我都静不下心来写东西。settle down意为“平静下来;专心于”。


7.At the meeting,all the people were deeply impressed __with__ her brilliant report.


解析:句意:会议上,所有人都对他精彩的报告留下了深刻的印象。impress sb.with.../sb.be impressed with...以……给某人留下深刻印象。


8.Most people would agree that nuclear science should be developed to benefit the human beings __rather__ than harm them.


解析:句意:绝大多数人同意核科技发展应该造福人类而非危害人类。rather than表示“而不是;而非”之意。


9.—Our journey cost a lot of money.

—Really? Well,that doesn't matter __so/as__ long as you enjoyed yourselves.


解析:句意:——我们的旅行花了很多钱。——真的吗?不过没关系,只要你们玩得愉快。as/so long as“只要”。


10.A company__whose__ profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.


解析:句意:一家在国内市场利润下降的公司可能会去国外谋求机会。分析题意和句子结构可知,主句中a company是主语,may seek是谓语,opportunities是宾语,而所填词要引导一个定语从句,该从句中profits是主语,are是系动词,declining是表语,profits前缺少定语,而且profits与先行词构成所属关系,故用whose引导定语从句,同时whose在从句中作profits的定语,符合题意和结构要求。


11.What we expect from you is working hard __rather__ than hardly working.


解析:句意:我们期待你的是努力做事,而不是几乎不做事。working hard 和hardly working为完全相反的两个概念,显然前后为对照、对比关系,是努力做事,而不是(rather than)几乎不做事。


12.Facing up to your problems rather __than__ running away from them is the best approach to working things out.


解析:句意:勇于面对你的问题而不是逃避它们是解决事情的最好办法。由语境可知,此处表示“面对问题而不是(rather than)逃避问题”。


13.There's a tradition in our office __that__ when it's somebody's birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share.




14.Your house is always so neat—how do you manage __it__ with three children?


解析:句意:你的房子总是如此整洁。在有三个孩子的情况下你是如何做到这一点的?manage it可以表示“有能力做到,能应付”。


15.It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot__within__easy reach.


解析:within one's reach为习惯搭配,意为“伸手可及”。


Ⅱ. 完成句子




1.Xu Sanduo's wonderful performance has inspired many people to believe that happiness in life is __within_everyone's_reach__(人人伸手可及).


2.Not only is Canada a travelling paradise for tourists but also an ideal fairyland to __settle_down__(定居) for people all over the world.


3.He __has_a_gift_for__(对……有天赋) communication, and thus he __manages_to__(设法做到) mix with all kinds of people in his job.


4.He prefers to work out the puzzle by himself __rather_than__(与其/不愿) seek help from others.


5.It is suggested that government __should_take_measures__(采取措施) to prevent the infectious disease from spreading.




Standing at the top of the tower, I __found_myself_surrounded__ by some clouds.However, I could still see the mountains __in_the_distance__.The beautiful scenery impressed me a lot.




Canada, with an area of approximately 10 million square kilometers and a population of slightly over 30 million, is __the_second_largest_country__ in the world.




The news that the whole family would __go/be_on_a_trip_to_Beijing__ cheered the kids up.




The constant sunshine and mild climate as well as its impressive scenery make southern California __one_of_the_most_popular/attractive_tourist_destinations__.




I am surprised at __the_fact_that__ lead is especially harmful to children and can lead to learning difficulties and behavioral problems.


Ⅲ. 单句改错


1.He would rather to stay at home alone than go to the cinema with his friends.




2.With water surrounded the town on all sides, the local people have to go out by boat.




3.We should take measure to prevent pollution in our city.




4.As long as I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.




5.On arriving at the destination, we were impressing by the beautiful scenery and people's living conditions.




6.Finally he caught sight of the young man's light overcoat in distance.




Ⅳ. 教材原句


1.__Going__(go) eastward, you will pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests,as well as wide rivers and large cities.




2.The girls were surprised at the fact__that__ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.




3.__On__the way to the station, he chatted__about__their trip.


解析:第一空为“on the way to”,意为“去……的路上”;第二空为“chat about”意为“聊关于……的事”。


4.Many of them have a gift__for__riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars__in__prizes.


解析:第一空为固定短语,“have a gift for”表示“在……方面有天赋”;第二空考查介词用法,表示“以……形式”,故填in。


5.People say it is Canada's most beautiful city,__surrounded__(surround) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.




6.It has one­third of the world's total fresh water, and much of__it__is in the Great Lakes.




同步课本单元讲解:必修三Unit5 Canada—“The True North”



Ⅴ. 语篇填空


That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats.①__Earlier__(early) that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even ②__a__ grizzly bear and an eagle.③__Their__ next stop was Calgary, ④__which__ is famous for the Calgary Stampede.Cowboys from all over the world come to compete ⑤__in__ the Stampede.Many of them have a gift ⑥__for__ riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes.⑦__After__ two days' travel, the girls began to realize that Canada is quite empty.At school, they ⑧__had_learned__(learn) that most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometres of the USA border, and Canada's population is only ⑨__slightly__ (slight) over thirty million, but now they were amazed ⑩__to_see__(see) such an empty country.


Ⅵ. 话题写作




1.One of our biggest dreams is__to_visit_Canada__.




2.__It_was_not_until_last_year_that__we__managed_to__make it.




3.We decided to take a plane__rather_than__drive.




4.In the evening we__went_aboard__.




5.__At_dawn__,we were already over Canada.




6.We__caught_sight_of__many lakes and mountains__in_the_distance__.




7.We__were_greatly_impressed_by__the beauty of the scenery.







One of our biggest dreams is to visit Canada.However, it was not until last year that we managed to make it.We decided to take a plane rather than drive,and in the evening we went aboard.At dawn, we were already over Canada,where we caught sight of many lakes and mountains in the distance.We were greatly impressed by the beauty of the scenery.









